Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Balkan Royal Families
King Peter I of Serbia & his family Discussion and Pictures
King Peter I
In 1903 Parliament requested that Prince Peter Karadjordjevic - grandson of Karadjordje - come to the throne. King Peter I brought democracy and leadership to Serbia.
He was also called ''military king'' for his devotion to his soldiers...He also slept on a hard military bed,like some of other royals and didn't care so much for luxury!
King Peter I Karadjordjevic
Written by Alex
King Peter I Karadjordjevic was, by far, the greatest Serbian leader in modern times. Having received his education in Serbia and Switzerland and his military education in France, he participated in the French-Prusso (German) war of 1870 and 1871. Of course, he fought on the side of the French. In 1875 he participated in the Bosnia - Hercegovina Uprising against the Turks, under a conspiracy name Petar Mrkonjic. In 1903, the Serbian Parliament unanimously elected him King of Serbia. He was officially crowned in 1904, 100 years after his predecessor Karadjordje started the Uprising against the Turks, and his magnificent Crown and other Royal Insignia are the only ones preserved to this day. Even the socialists (anti-monarchists) voted for him. He led Serbia successfully through the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913, liberating Old Serbia (Kosovo and Raska) and South Serbia (now FYR Macedonia) and through WW 1, although, because of his age, he gave most of his powers to his son, Alexander I. King Peter I translated John Stewart Mills' work "On Freedom". He had very liberal ideas. He was democratic, tolerant, a true defender of the Constitution. During his reign Serbia prospered, there was a true multi-party system, there were political and media freedoms and economic progress. Such a strong team of people - King Peter I as head of state, Prime Minister Nikola Pasic, Army Commanders Misic, Putnik, Stepanovic, Minister of Finance Laza Pacu, Head of the Central Bank George Weifert - these were the best of the best, all concentrated in one time, in one generation. Serbia will not have such a team again for a very long time.
This elderly King was carried by his troops during the harsh retreat in 1915 through Albania. He shared the fate of his troops and, above all, the true love and respect of all his people. Serbian people call him "Uncle Pierre" or King Liberator. He died in Belgrade in 1921. He was married to Princess Zorka of Montenegro. Unfortunately, she died while giving birth before he was crowned King. Unfortunately also, she therefore did not become Queen of Serbia. After her death, he never remarried.
He was the great grandfather of Crown Prince Alexander II.
A few days ago, a monument to King Peter I was unweiled in the town of Zrenjanin (Petrovgrad). This is a replica of the monument which stood in the main town square from 1926 to 1941, when it was destroyed by the Nazis. The communists after the war had no desire to renew the monument. The first idea to renew the monument came in 1991, then in 1996 following Prince Tomislav's visit and 10 years later, the magnificent monument has finally been put to place, and another wrong has been made right.
Wonderful Alex!
Please, could you post a photo of that statue here!
Thank you!
--- Quote from: palimpsest
Wonderful Alex!
Please, could you post a photo of that statue here!
Thank you!
[/quote ---
Thank you for your comments. Here is the photo. I am giving the link because I don't know how to insert photos here.
The page is in Serbian cyrillic but on the bottom are 4 photos which can be opened into large versions.
The first two of the larger photos are of the new monument, the last two are of the old monument (torn down in 1941).
Crown Prince Alexander was there.
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