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Langinkoski, cottage of Alexander III in Finland

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It's definitely worth a visit-just don't expect a lot of rooms filled with Romanov possessions!  There are only 5 rooms on the main floor-Alexander III's study, MF's boudoir, the hall, the kitchen, and the vestibule, with a few bedrooms and a sitting area tucked into the rafters above.  Some nice items on display-portraits and photos and porcelain.  But it's absolutely gorgeous-the lodge and the setting-perfectly situated at the fringe of a forest overlooking the Kotka Rapids.  If I could only have one former Romanov house to myself, to actually live in, Langinkoski would be it.

Greg King

I really liked hearing the sound of the roaring rapids when I was there.  I thought it was very well kept up and interesting. :D

Last year a photobook with many photos not  seen  before was published in Finnish and Swedish about the summer visits of Alexander III in Finland and to the fishing lodge at Langinkoski. It´s called "Kejsaren i skärgården" (the emperor in the archipelago)

As a finnish Romanov fan, I have visited Langinkoski! It's a beautiful environment. When you are there, remember to seek the signatures of the family on the wall (including OTMA!)

BTW you should not miss the two Romanov exhibitions held quite near, in Imatra and Lappeenranta! In the Lappeenranta fortress museum there will be a great exhibition with photographs, items, uniforms, china etc. which used to belong to the last imperial family of Russia. Many of them have never before been in exhibitions ouside Russia! The exhibition was opened yesterday and will be open until August the 29th. Not yet visited, but I sure will!
Welcome to Finland and hope you have nice time here!

Hi everyone!

Here´s a couple links to Langinkoski Imperial Fishing Lodge. I live just a less of 1 kilometres from it and the lodge and it´s surroundings are one of my favourite places for a nice walk. It´s quite beautifull place so why don´t you come to visit? ;)]




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