All children of Duke Eugen:
From Mathilde:
1.Marie (1818-88), married in 1845 Landgraf Karl von Hesse-Philipstal (1803-68) and had 2 sons Ernst (1846-1925) and Karl Alexander (1853-1916).
2.Eugen (1820-75), married in 1843 Princess Mathilde of Schaumburg-Lippe (1818-91)

his wife Mathilde

3.Wilhelm (1825) died in infancy
From Helena:
1.Wilhelm (1828-96), unmarried

2.Alexandrine (1829-1913), unmarried
3.Nikolaus (1833-1903), married 1868 his own niece Duchess Wilhelmine of Württemberg (1844-92). They were childless.
I’ve never seen any image of Duchess Wilhelmine, still trying hard to find anything. Possibly someone can help in this.

4.Agnes (1835-86), married in 1858 Furst Heinrich XIV Reuss-Schleiz (1832-1913) and had 2 children. Furstin Agnes was well-known for her charity, also she was a writer.
Agnes in 1858, with her husband

And in her later years