Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

Main talent?

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From what I've gathered, all the girls (OTMA) were talented in music and art, but I'm wondering about Tatiana's main hobby...what was she best at and and what did she seek out to do? Apparently Marie enjoyed painting particularly, Olga was quite a reader and poet, etc.
Was there one unique thing she enjoyed doing above all, and was very good at? Her "main talent"?

Ally Kumari:
Tatiana was best of OTMA skilled in needlework and sewing. She often did that to pass her time just like her mother.

Tatiana was interested in more practical pursuits. Embroidery, styling hair, organizing, etc.

That's really interesting, I didn't know that. Is it true that she was best at piano, but didn't play with as much emotion as Olga did? I've gotten into the Romanovs again after a period of time and have forgotten some things :D

It's said she played very well but when she played it was more technical and dry; she didn't put any emotion or feeling into it. Olga was more musical and had a good ear for picking out notes on her own. She could even play in the dark.


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