The second daughter of Grand Duke Paul Petrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna was born 24 December 1784.
In the spring of 1785, Empress Catherine II to Grimm, Baron said: "... beautiful Helen worthy of its name, because this child is indeed a beauty, that's why I called her Helen."
The Empress was right. In September 1790, in another letter she describes her granddaughter: "She seems to be a beauty in every sense of the word, it has an unusually regular features, it is slim, light, agile and graceful by nature, the character she is very lively and playful , a kind heart. Brothers and sisters are extremely fond of her cheerful disposition ... That's all that while you can say about it."
Portraits of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna.
D. Levitsky, 1791

J.-L. Voile, 1792

Portrait of Grand Duchesses Alexandra and Elena. M.-L.-E. Vigee-Lebrun, 1795
In 1798, negotiations began on the marriage of Elena Pavlovna and Prince, albeit small, but politically expedient States - the Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
Peter I during the Northern War with Sweden evaluated the profitability of the alliance with Germany's smallest principality, lying in the vicinity of the Swedish part of Pomerania on the Baltic Sea.
As a groom for Elena Pavlovna was chosen as the eldest son of Duke Friedrich Franz I (in 1815 the Duchy of Mecklenburg became the Grand Duchy) and Louise of Saxe-Gotha - Prince Friedrich Ludwig.
Negotiations were successful (no difficulty with the conservation of the Grand Duchess of the Orthodox faith after her marriage did not arise), and in February 1799 the prince arrived in St. Petersburg together with his younger brother Carl.
May 16 was held betrothal Friedrich Ludwig and Elena Pavlovna, and October 23 - married.
Mecklenburg newlyweds departed in December. Their residence was in the city Ludwigslust.
The young duchess and her father soon subdued, and the inhabitants of their new homeland.
Maid Elena Pavlovna also felt for her sincere, German a little sentimental location. This is evidenced by this fact. One of the servants of Elena Pavlovna brought her birthday (in December) a bouquet of flowers and handed it to the appropriate words of congratulations. Such rare in this time of year gift to surprise the Duchess, but even more surprised it is the kindness and sincerity with which this gift was presented. Of course, Elena Pavlovna could thank maid something valuable, but she did what was more precious than gold, - a king's daughter put her arms around a simple Mecklenburg girl. Both stood silently with tears in his eyes ...
Portrait of Elena Pavlovna. P. Zharkov

September 15, 1800 Elena Pavlovna bore a son. The boy received the name of Paul Friedrich.
In 1801, during his stay in Berlin, the Crown won the Duchess residents with its beauty. This is all the more remarkable that the Berliners are proud of their beauty queen Louise. Nevertheless, all paid tribute to the charms and beauties and the younger of the two ladies called "couple roses".
Elena Pavlovna and Queen Louise connected most sincere friendship, and this is even more surprised at the people around them, because we know how jealous of other women to the beauty of her sex.
Portrait of Elena Pavlovna, Hereditary Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. J. Grassi, 1802

In 1803 Elena Pavlovna expecting their second child, and at the same time ever more clearly begun to show signs of deterioration in her health: the vital forces began to leave the very young Crown Princess.
March 31, 1803 was born Princess Mary, and the doctors realized that nothing could be done, though at times and appeared some signs of improvement being Elena Pavlovna. Apparently, two very early pregnancy is completely undermined the fragile body. Apparently, Elena Pavlovna ill with tuberculosis, which at that time were unable to treat.
Elena Pavlovna died in the evening on Sept. 24, 1803. She was not even 19 years.
Material Used Books Albina Danilova "Five Princesses".