Author Topic: Nikolai's Letters to Family  (Read 7440 times)

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Nikolai's Letters to Family
« on: February 08, 2010, 08:22:49 PM »
I was wondering if there are any letters that Nicky wrote to Alix's side of family (Queen Victoria etc) but not to members in Russia (Ella etc). I know of one letter to Queen Victoria dated 26th July 1894-

My dearest Grandmama,
Your kind letter touched me deeply and I beg you to excuse me for not having answered it at once. I cannot tell you, dear Grandmama how very sad I felt when I had to leave you and my darling Alicky on that dreadful Monday night. It seems to me quite like a delightful long dream- my stay in England with you, the spell of which has suddenly been broken and I felt myself taken far away and left lonely to those never to be forgotten recollections./i]

This is just one paragraph though.


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Re: Nikolai's Letters to Family
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2010, 08:50:02 AM »
About the sentence "dear Grandmama how very sad I felt when I had to leave you and my darling Alicky on that dreadful Monday night."

What happened exactly?, was the cause of the sudden departure of Nicholas linked to the bad health conditions of his father, Alexander III?...

Offline Grand Duchess Jennifer

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Re: Nikolai's Letters to Family
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2010, 09:18:23 PM »
Some from 1894, all to Queen Victoria

7 May

My dearest Grandmama,

Thank you deeply for your kind letter, that was a charming surprise and it gave me great pleasure. But I am so touched that you thought of me now, when I am seperated from my darling little bride, which was really very trying, as we had only spent 12 days together after our engagement. I thank you so much for all your kindness at Coburg which you showed me there: I shall never forget our breakfasts in your room and the music playing outside. It is very kind of you, dear Grandmama, to watch over her yourself and I am most pleased to hear it from you, that she shall remain quiet and not go about. I wrote her yesterday and told her exactly the same, only of course that was said in the form of a wish!

My parents felt so touched and grateful when I told them all the events of our stay in Coburg, that they wish me to express their feelings of joy and gratitude for your attention and kindness bestowed upon me. I am already looking forward with such a pleasure and impatience for the day when I will be able to see you and my darling Alix at Windsor. I hope the stay in Balmoral will do you the best possible good: that your precious help will make us happy when we meet again in Windsor. I really don't know how to thank you enough for having taken the trouble of writing to me such a charming letter.

With my very best love to you dearest Grandmama, believe me your most affectionate and devoted (future) grandson.


2 June

Dearest Grandmama,

Your third kind letter gave me such great pleasure which I thank you for most heartily. I leave tomorrow in the afternoon on board Papa's new yacht the Polar Star that he kindly lent me for coming to England.

You don't know, dearest Grandmama, how happy I am to come and spend some time with you and my beloved little bride. What a different impression for me this time - with my stay in London last year for Georgie's [King George V's] wedding. This seperation from Alix has made my love for her still far stronger and deeper than it was before! Now, dearest Grandmama, I must end; with fondest thanks for your kind letter and hoping to see you very soon again believe me your most loving and devoted (future) grandson.


30 October

My darling Grandmama,

I must write to you a few lines, as the messenger leaves tomorrow. I cannot tell you what awful and trying days we are living through now! Your dear kind telegrams touched us all, more than words can say!

Ten days have already passed since that terrible event happened - it seems to be a nightmare! - I cannot yet believe that my deeply passionately adored and beloved Father has been taken away from us! Though I knew how seriously ill he was, still the blow was a frightful one to poor dear Mama especially. Sweet darling Alicky's presence is such a comfort to me - I don't know how I would have stood it else! Dear Aunt Alix and Uncle Bertie being here - help also dearest Mama in her pain, which I'm afraid will be still worse when we reach Petersburg, where we have never been alone - without beloved Papa!

The sympathy shown to us from everywhere and even from abroad - is marvellous and is most touching! Dearest Grandmama I am deeply grieved, that it is impossible for Alicky to come and say goodbye, before our wedding, to you - but, as Mama is probably going south soon the marriage has to be hastened with! But be sure that as soon as we can find any possibility of crossing over to England to see you - we shall do it. God grant that day may come very soon.

Forgive this hurried letter but I have so much to do that all my time is taken up! The one great comfort I have got in my utter misery - is my darling Alicky's deep love, that I return her fully.

Now I must end.

With many kind messages from Mama and with my fondest love, believe me, dearest Grandmama, ever your most loving and devoted (future) grandson.


I have more if you'd like me to post them. ;)

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Re: Nikolai's Letters to Family
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2010, 01:05:43 AM »
=0.......... how long did that take you??!!! wow


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Re: Nikolai's Letters to Family
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2010, 08:41:47 AM »
I have more if you'd like me to post them. ;)

That's very interesting!, if you can post some other letters it will be greatly appreciated...I'd like to read more...
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 08:43:59 AM by RomanovsFan4Ever »


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Re: Nikolai's Letters to Family
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2010, 09:02:53 AM »
How can Nicholas ll be the grandson of Queen Victoria, or have I lost it ?

Why is he  calling her Grandmama ? Perhaps it is a term of endearment.

She was not his grandmother.


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Re: Nikolai's Letters to Family
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2010, 09:28:55 AM »
It can be considered as a term of endearment, anyway, it make me think about a custom that we have here in Italy...for example, I often hear my sister call her husband's grandparents as "Grandmama, and Grandpapa" although they aren't her's a very common habit here in this part of Italy.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 09:34:55 AM by RomanovsFan4Ever »


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Re: Nikolai's Letters to Family
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2010, 09:45:00 AM »
How can Nicholas ll be the grandson of Queen Victoria, or have I lost it ?

Why is he  calling her Grandmama ? Perhaps it is a term of endearment.

She was not his grandmother.

You haven't lost it.  He was engaged to her granddaughter, who called her Grandmama.  He would be her grandson-in-law.  Close enough.  : )  The same way I call my husband's parents Mom and Dad, even though they aren't my parents.

Offline Grand Duchess Jennifer

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Re: Nikolai's Letters to Family
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2010, 10:52:31 PM »

Some more to Queen Victoria from 1895

10 May

Dearest Grandmama,

I thought so much of you, dearest Grandmama, when you sent us the sad news of the death of the poor Duchess of Roxburge! It must be too hard for words, to loose one's best friends, like that, one after another - Sir H. Ponsonby, Sir J. Cowell and poor little Lord Drumlanrig. I know well what your feelings must be, having recently gone through one of the most fearful trials in this life - the loss of my dearly beloved father!

In answer to your second letter mentioning the articles about England in the Russian papers, I must say that I cannot prevent people from putting their opinions openly in the newspapers. How often have I not been worried in English gazettes rather unjust statements in connexion with my country! Even books are being constantly sent to me from London, misinterpreting our actions in Asia, our interior politics, etc. I am sure there is as little hostility intended in these writings, as there is in the above mentioned ones.


12 November

Darling Grandmama,

I thank you deeply for your kind letter which your special messanger just brought - and for the kind things you say. Dearest Alicky, who is lying near me in bed, begs to thank you most tenderly for your letter and good wishes. Thank God everything went off happily and both she and the little child are progressing most satisfactorily. She finds such a pleasure in nursing our sweet baby herself. For my part I consider it the most natural thing a mother can do and I think that example an excellent one!

We are both so pleased that you accepted to be Godmother of our first child, because I am sure it will prove a happiness to her after your constant signs of kindness and of motherly affection towards us. The name of Olga we chose as it has already been several times in our family and is an ancient Russian name.

You don't know, dearest Grandmama, the state of utter happiness I am in. It seems so strange to be a father!

Baby is going to be christened so early, so as that event can take place on our wedding day and Mama's birthday. Dear Mama remained with us the whole time since the event and was such a comfort during the hours of expectation. We shall certainly send you some of baby's long hair; she is a wonderfully big child and promises to have large eyes. We both kiss you very tenderly and I remain ever your most loving and faithful grandson,


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Re: Nikolai's Letters to Family
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2010, 05:44:36 AM »
Yes I thought so. Just wondered perhaps if it was a typing error.

Offline Olga Maria

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Re: Nikolai's Letters to Family
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2010, 10:27:22 PM »

A letter of him to his Aunt Princess Marie of Denmark (wife of his Uncle Prince Waldemar) dated June 29, 1898.

My dear Aunt Marie,
   Forgive me for not sending you a letter over a long while, and not responding in French but in English, as I have got used to it so much and it is difficult to write in another language. I learned that Aage (son of Princess Marie Nicholas’ cousin) is now very good and all of you have gone through many problems and worries well. Thank God it’s better now. I hope he will recover quickly and be as strong and healthy as before. I’m really sorry that we cold just come to Denmark this fall as we must be present at the inauguration of the monument to my grandfather in Moscow, and in August, we will go to the Crimea where I believe we will remain until fall. We haven’t seen each other for two years! Here, I must inspect the fleet of the Black Sea which has increased in number significantly in the recent years.
Please send my loving regards to Uncle Waldemar and dear old Uncle Georgie (King George of Greece), and all your children, if they still remember their old cousin. Goodbye for now, my dear Aunt Marie; I wish you happiness and good health. I remain your loving nephew,


Amazing colored fotos  by the most wonderful Yelena Aleksandrovna. Endless thank you very much!

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Re: Nikolai's Letters to Family
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2010, 02:59:24 AM »
What happened exactly?, was the cause of the sudden departure of Nicholas linked to the bad health conditions of his father, Alexander III?...
Nothing bad has happened. Nicholas loves Alix so much that’s why he called the tme of their parting “dreadful”.

Amazing colored fotos  by the most wonderful Yelena Aleksandrovna. Endless thank you very much!