Some more to Queen Victoria from 1895
10 May
Dearest Grandmama,
I thought so much of you, dearest Grandmama, when you sent us the sad news of the death of the poor Duchess of Roxburge! It must be too hard for words, to loose one's best friends, like that, one after another - Sir H. Ponsonby, Sir J. Cowell and poor little Lord Drumlanrig. I know well what your feelings must be, having recently gone through one of the most fearful trials in this life - the loss of my dearly beloved father!
In answer to your second letter mentioning the articles about England in the Russian papers, I must say that I cannot prevent people from putting their opinions openly in the newspapers. How often have I not been worried in English gazettes rather unjust statements in connexion with my country! Even books are being constantly sent to me from London, misinterpreting our actions in Asia, our interior politics, etc. I am sure there is as little hostility intended in these writings, as there is in the above mentioned ones.
12 November
Darling Grandmama,
I thank you deeply for your kind letter which your special messanger just brought - and for the kind things you say. Dearest Alicky, who is lying near me in bed, begs to thank you most tenderly for your letter and good wishes. Thank God everything went off happily and both she and the little child are progressing most satisfactorily. She finds such a pleasure in nursing our sweet baby herself. For my part I consider it the most natural thing a mother can do and I think that example an excellent one!
We are both so pleased that you accepted to be Godmother of our first child, because I am sure it will prove a happiness to her after your constant signs of kindness and of motherly affection towards us. The name of Olga we chose as it has already been several times in our family and is an ancient Russian name.
You don't know, dearest Grandmama, the state of utter happiness I am in. It seems so strange to be a father!
Baby is going to be christened so early, so as that event can take place on our wedding day and Mama's birthday. Dear Mama remained with us the whole time since the event and was such a comfort during the hours of expectation. We shall certainly send you some of baby's long hair; she is a wonderfully big child and promises to have large eyes. We both kiss you very tenderly and I remain ever your most loving and faithful grandson,