Interestingly, at the insistence of Ammosov Stasov tried to make changes to the design of furnaces in 1839. Thus metal pipes have been replaced by clay, but finding that they are very slowly heat the air and enhanced firebox crack and allow the smoke, he returned to the metal tube (50).
In the spring of 1839 stoves and fireplaces remained in the Winter Palace, mainly as a familiar element of the state rooms (51). Pneumatic device for furnaces in the Winter Palace N. Ammosov was awarded a gold medal and received 1500 acres of land along with the personal approval of Nicholas I, the quality of the furnace in its design. In the palace "artisan company" the largest state spetsalistov was busy just to maintain the heating system. Stove and fireplace business engaged in the palace "master and two apprentices, eight Pechnikov and six students." Pipe case involved "a master, journeyman, three pipe manufacturers and two students." Cleaned the pipes "master and two apprentices, chimney sweeps, twelve and seven students (52).
But in "ammosovskoy" the heating system had its drawbacks. Already in the early years 1840h view was that these furnaces overdry air, that is injurious to health. Apparently, in connection with the design of furnaces N. Ammosova invited to the Winter Palace in March 1841, where he measured the humidity in all the palace premises. This abnormality was identified, and tables of measurements of moisture were published. Nonetheless, these rumors were very tenacious, as an official of the Ministry of Imperial Household VS Krivenko in the notes mentioned that the majestic Winter Palace "absolutely not suited for private life. Alexander II, emphysema patient, suffering from amosovskogo heating, much of the dry heated air from poor ventilation, air vents in the bedroom of his ill-shut at night room vystyvala "(53). Therefore, since 1863 in the Winter Palace begins to set up a new, local, heating system, which was completed by mid-1870h period. In it were based on "ognevozdushnye furnace" design IK Krol and Smirnov. In the mid-1880s in the Winter Palace, work began on the third installation of the local heating system.
It was a system of water heating. To do this in one of the internal light yards west of the Winter Palace was built boiler. And on the roof of the palace, for the optical telegraph tower over "its own entrance, was built wind-tower, which has made a significant discordance in the usual architectural appearance of the palace. Thus, by 1917 at the Winter Palace in parallel there have been three technically different heating systems are not integrated into a single network. From 1840h years in the Winter Palace operated pneumatic kiln NA Ammosova, heated most of the palace. In the 1860-1870h years created a local system "ognevozdushnyh furnaces" for the private apartments of Emperor Alexander II, who suffered from asthma, and his wife - Empress Maria Alexandrovna, bolevshey tuberculosis. Since the late 1880s Northwest corner block of the Winter Palace and the New Hermitage building heated by a central water heating system, created by an engineer Wynn.
Along with other engineering services and changing the lighting system of the Winter Palace. Throughout the pre-revolutionary history of the Winter Palace illuminated by candles. There were certain standards of "Candle allowance, dependent on the status of persons and persons living in the palace.
Thus, in 1826, three maids of honor were given a day 8 Candles. Of these "ordinary white" -- 4 pieces, yellow night - 1 piece, 3 pieces of the sebaceous (54). Tallow candles were not fragrant, and therefore they were used in the utility room of the palace or duty night lighting. After the sumptuous balls in them and arranged the room tallow candles "in tin, long, filled with water candlesticks" (55). Wax candles used in homes, during dances and other ceremonies, but they were short-lived, as quickly guttering and had to be replaced frequently. In memoir evidence, in the XVIII century palace during the holidays, in order to highlight the huge halls were built in addition special pyramid on which the "three thousand candles of white wax (56). During the repair work in the Winter Palace after a fire in 1837, it was envisaged increase in the number of candles in the chandeliers (57). In order to expedite the procedure for replacing the chandeliers in the hundreds of candles used special tin tube with a spring-loaded bottoms to facilitate the extraction of candle ends. The principal means of lighting the candles were in the Winter Palace before 1860h period. French writer Theophile Gautier, describing a ball at the Winter Palace in 1860, left one of the recent description of their use: "... countless candles stood in Kandy lyabrah the eaves ... entire streams of light filled the vast hall as if by magic" (58).
Later, despite the shift to gas lighting, and then to electric lighting, the palace continued to be widely used candles. According to the inventory treasury of things that were half of Alexander II, in each of the rooms have chandeliers and lamps with candles. Typically, these were twin candelabra, each of which was from four to seven cones. Directly in the office of Emperor was couple candelabra of seven trumpets. If chandeliers were all rooms, a chandelier with candles only some of them. Thus, of the eight residential premises of the Emperor chandeliers, equipment percentage of surveyed under the wax candles, were only four (59). In this way lit room was the reception, which can burn 72 candles. Next came the library - 48 candles, cabinet - 38 candles and training - 36 candles.