It was written to her mother, Queen Louise.
About the wedding MF wrote. " The wedding toke place at one o'clock after she first had to go through the dressing ceremony in the presence of the entire family and all the ladies in waiting, as is the custom. The diadem and crown were placed on her head, and the great purple cloak fixed to her shoulders, and then we went to church, where on this occasion she wanted to make amends for what had first shocked people, and went to the other extreme, for she was forever making the sign of the cross, poor thing, and always the wrong way round, which again is not her fault, but the family's, who ought to have told her how you do it, and that she need not overdo it, I almost burst out laughing in the church and dared not look at her, as she was doing it all the time and always wrongly to the amazement of the priest who was standing in the front of the couple. Afterwards, there was a Protestant ceremony in one of the rooms, and then we withdraw to the inner rooms, where we had tea, and at five o'clock, still wearing the same clothes, we went to the great banquet, where all the court stewards served us."