I recently found a book, even autogrraphed, that was publsihed in 1940.
It is written by Eugene de Savitsch, who was raised in Taraskoe Selo, the son of the local judge. Eugene left with his mother in 1918 and has written vividly of life in teh town after the revolution. He and his mother got to Japan, and he then joined the White Army of Kolchak, in time for the final collapse. Returning to Japan, he joine a troop of Russian merchants selling "authetic relics" of the Tzar in JApan, earning enough to immigrate to San Franciso. The chapter on San Frnaciso is worth the price fo the book!!! There is a detailed description fo the imigre communioty, including a mad group determined to place a Romanov on the "throne" of the United States!
Eugene becomes
a doctor. To my knowledge, he wrote only one other book, in 1958, on a medical topic.
Has anyone else seen this book,. or knwo about the years after 1940 for de Savitsch. His description of life in the town and palace school are fascinating.
Please copy your reply to pangarune@shaw.ca