As promised : bigger version of the 1910 picnic. Thses photos are printed rather small , let me know if they are big enough.
nena, I believe that gentleman standing on the right is the general who sometime fools me into thinking he's Dr. Botkin
Also more pics!
and one of Alix and her girls to keep us on topic! All from this book . Enjoy

Dear blessOTMA, thank you for this bigger version;).
Now I can see it clearly. From left to right (only officers,
according to to their 1910's ranks):
Upper row. Lieutenant Kozhevnikov, Senior Lieutenant N. V. Sablin, ? (unknown man) , Guard's Captain Drenteln (*Infantry and HIM Suite Officer, often confused with Dr Botkin),
Middle row. Lieutenant Butakov, Midshipman Messing, N-II, Lieutenant Stolitsa (not 100%) (do not confuse with Rodionov, both have a big smile).
Lower row. Flag Captain of N-II/Vice Admiral Nilov, Naval Engineer/Captain Nevyarovsky, Senior Lieutenant N. P. Sablin.
About Sablin... Indeed, they were absolutely different people. Even not a distant relatives. Matushka is right here, Nicholay Pavlovich indeed even had some other relative Naval Officers with the surname Sablin (father and brother), but all of them were not connected to the Naval Guard Crew. In Imperial Russian military/Naval tradition there was a good law to add numbers to the officers with the same surname in order to simplify the situation (regardless their affinity). For example: Sablin 1 (N. P. Sablin's brother), Sablin 2 (N. P. itself) and Sablin 3 (another man, N. V. Sablin). Or, Butakov 5 (our dear Alexander Ivanovich Butakov) and Butakov 4 (his brother, Baltic fleet naval officer Ivan Ivanovich Butakov).
Olga and Tatiana were very fond of him (see their diary) and Sabline was especially an help for Alexandra Feodorovna. In Livadia, on the yacht, on journey he spent a lot of time entertaining the ill empress.
Matushka, it seems to me that judging by the appearance of Mr N. P. Sablin and fact that he was free (not married) even till 1917, a lot of women form higher class nobility were very fond of him and not only Tatiana and Olga;).