Discussions about Russian History > Imperial Russian Antiques

Are that a old russian jar?

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Do some know about the jar and I donĀ“t know more than the jar have a Russian look and the imperial monogram!


Forum Admin:
Appears to be from the Imperial Glass Works during the reign of Alexander III but I have never seen anything similar to this before.

Naslednik Norvezhskiy:
The bright colours, geometrical pattern and "folksy look" remind me of Nicholas II's earthenware coronation beaker (Google Image it to see it) manufactured to be distributed to the masses at Khodynka Field.

It's a good tip when using this Khodinka cups - I have not thought about that it was a similar pattern as this jar.

But you know maybe what made was this and do you think maybe it might be a jar of Russian Alexander III of Russia's time?

aleksandr pavlovich:
Attention Replies # 2 and 3:  There were TWO better-known "Coronation Cups."  The common one (sometimes called "The Cup of Sorrows"), to which I am sure you are referring, Fyodor Petrovich, is flat-enameled over METAL (NOT earthenware).  This is the one with the geometric "strap-work" in the style of this jug.  The EARTHENWARE variety was in monochrome colors over raised and molded bodies.  I believe that there are seven different (separate colors) of manufacture that have been identified for this earthenware cup. A lesser number of this kind of cup survived, and is not seen as frequently, because of breakage. I have examples of both kinds in my collection.  Best regards to you both.  AP


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