I have

But not diary entries or letters. I'll post the pictures in order, like a story.
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/ec/ca/9d/ecca9d26d689bc3362abaf6fe85bfb84.jpgOlga being helped out of the water. No sight of Anastasia yet, so I assume she's either climbed out before hand (if she fell in) or comes to help like a good sister. Olga has decided to be pulled out rather than climb out herself, same officer is helping her. Another officer (holding a coat or towel for her?) is ready to assist her when she's close enough. Another officer watches and another goes to help save the Grand Duchess.

Olga now has a hand to hold as she helped out of the water. The officer saving Olga needs the assistance of another officer to grab his (cane?) or help pull her out. Officer (familiar to anyone? He seems familiar) saving our Olga is laughing about it, but I would laugh about it too. Unfortunately, for Olga anyway, she happens to be the Grand Duchess that can't swim.

The brave Anastasia has come to save the day! You may not be able to see her because she's blended in so perfectly with the rocks, but it's definitely her. There's a picture of OTMA where Olga and Anastasia are wearing those clothes, and her hairs down so it is either Maria or Anastasia, but the clothes gave it away. The soldiers have now taken each others hands and have began to pull Olga out that way.

Here's Olga admitting defeat, yelling or laughing while Anastasia, who first went to help her sister, has decided that she's a lost cause and has climbed up the rocks without help to safety. Olga seems to be laughing or yelling about the whole situation like I said, or, yelling at Anastasia, maybe for just leaving her? Maybe she pushed her dear sister in who decided if she was going down she will take Anastasia with her?

(I doubt that, because of the rocks, but it's funny to think about).
After analysing the pictures I have come to the conclusion THAT...
Olga's feet got stuck in the mud when she fell in that's why she has so many people helping her out. Also her legs do not move from their original positions in the water.
I have decided to call this photoset; Olga's Last Hope.