What a disaster (Bethlehem, Pa.) I work in a 10 bed group home for severely disabled people with MR. Lots of medical problems. Last night we had no power, heat, and the food was going bad. We worked in teams of three with one holding flashlights and the others changing, and helping the nurses. Our one generator was being used for feedings etc. It is an awake (staff) at night house, so between taking care of the clients, we sat in a circle and told horror and ghost stories. The electric company is saying we won't have power until late in the week. Tonight I am taking winter woolies and my Nook. This morning the outside of our facility looked like a war went on. Loads of tree are just split in half. Lots of people singing the Lumberman song today. Not! Hope things are good in your neck of the woods.
All the best,