I have to add here, this link. The rare set of 48 Autochrome plates of the Alexander Palace have been returned to the Alexander Palace Museum!
http://forum.alexanderpalace.org/index.php?topic=17195.msg509247;boardseen#newOne of our regular users and friends of the APTM, Mike Pyles, contacted our Bob Atchison about acquiring them for our websites. He most graciously and generously offered $25,000 to purchase them at auction. Bob, of course, declined for himself and insisted they go to the Alexander Palace. Mike readily agreed. Bob and Christine Martin contacted the Palace staff, who already knew about them and wanted them. Because of Mike's most generous gift, the Palace staff were able to buy them! The Palace Directors are of course most pleased and grateful to Mike and Bob.
We hope that more of our users will step up in the months and years to come, and help bring back the thousands of objects sold and stolen from the Alexander Palace over the years, so that they can be returned on display in their original setting.