Discussions about Russian History > Imperial Russian Antiques

upcoming auctions and sales of Imperial Russian items.

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I thought I would start a thread that informs about upcoming opportunities to acquire Imperial Russian artifacts.  these might be from the Imperial household or from Russia in general prior to 1917.

I will start with what I found on the Chrisies website for April 23 2010.
Six wine glasses from the Imperial Glass factory with Nicholas ll cypher
estimate $20-30,000


a nice vase

Estimate $700,000 - 900,000

more items from Chrisites

here are some things from an upcoming auction

There will be a sale of Faberge and icons on June 9, 2010 at Stheby's london

if you have a few extra thousand pounds to buy a choice piece of Imperial Russian history, then you might want to trot down to Sotheby's London showrooms on June 9th 2010 to purchace a work of art. There will be over 300 pieces in this auction including many pieces of Faberge.  The estimates are lower, probably reflecting the financial downturn.


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