I haven't completely lost my memory and there is already a thread for a monument to Nagorny. It's "A Monument To Klementy Nagorny", on page three of the "Servants, Friends, Retainers" board. It's worth reading. Coincidentally, the last post to it was exactly two years ago today, also coincidentally by me. I suggest not combining them, as it might confuse the conversation.
Good idea, Kalafrana and edubs. Let's do it ! Money well given for the fine, fine Klim Nagorny.
Thank you for bringing the earlier "monument" thread to attention again. In reading your last post in that thread, yes, an opportunity probably WAS missed to formally commemorate/honor in a tangible way, the faithful retainers executed (outside of those in the Ipatiev house) at the burial of Nicholas II et al.
Following the same line of reasoning, another "natural" opportunity would be at the burial of the Heir and the other grandduchess, thought to be possibly in 2013 (Please see Paul Gilbert's "Royal Russia Bulletin" Nov.25th posting of his Nov. 22 news article in which he quotes ITAR-TASS: " The remains of the Tsesarevich Alexei Nicholayevich and the Grand Duchess Maria Nicholayevna may be buried in the summer of 2013, ITAR-TASS reports. The announcement was made on November 16th by Sergei Mironenko, Director of the State Archives of the Russian Federation (GARF) in Moscow, where the remains are currently in temporary storage."). Please note the word "may." Does it indicate "to give permission" or "possibly" ? IMO, I take it to mean "possibly."
I personally think that though the second Imperial burial/s would "complete the cycle," the burials will be quite a low-key event, whenever they occur. However, IMO, outside of the comparatively small number of Romanov enthusiasts, the names of K.G. Nargony and I. D. Sednev would not easily recognized by even most Russians in their proper/formal context. In the larger scope of things, they simply are not "hot property."
Certainly, a plaque at a properly-designated spot honoring ALL the faithful retainers as a group (diminishing a risk of missing someone who was "qualified," but not readily named/remembered) who paid the supreme cost for loyalty, would be in order.
Regards, AP.