Were did you go Lindelle?
I'm doing pretty good, my bff/sister(A), just moved out of our mutual bff/sisters(B) and back in with her mom(which was the whole reason for moving in with said bff(B) to get away from said mother). As much as we hate to think about it we both realized that if everything keeps going the way it has been then we might have to stop being friends with (B), its so weird. When we're all hanging out we have such a great time and stuff, but its like as soon as (B) leaves a switch is flipped and we get PO'd at her and stuff, she is such a hard person to be friends with, that when she's not around you wonder why your even friends at all, but then when she is around, its kinda like, ooh, this is why were friends. She's always been that way, but lately she's gotten so much worse. She was emotionally 'abusing' (A) and then it started to get physical so that's when she had enough, and moved back in with her mom, then I found out that (B) asked (A) that if me and my boyfriend ever broke up how long she would have to Waite to sleep with him or whatever. She also kissed him! I don't think knows how to treat people the right way, especially her grandma. She's always buying her things, gets her every single thing she wants for Christmas, giving her money for "working" at her grandmas business, then she probably just gives her extra money just because, he she's always biting her head off, all her grandma has to do basically say how was your day or something. And she never does anything to help out, she told my friend when she moved in that she had to help out and pay for her own food and stuff(I'm not saying that's completely unreasonable or anything), but that was her saying it, not her grandma, who owns the house they were living in-she was letting them live their out of the kindness of her heart no rent or anything, and then she didn't even do anything that she was telling my friend she had to do. She also told my friend that because her husband visited last week that over thanksgiving break he couldn't stay there. She was in no position to do that, that was her grandma's decision to make not hers. All of this is barley even scratching the surface.
Sorry, for that, venting was needed, if any of you actually read through all that then you are all saints. Lol.