Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Danish Royal Family

Anna Sophie of Reventlow (1693-1743)

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Naslednik Norvezhskiy:

--- Quote from: Fyodor Petrovich on April 16, 2010, 06:18:19 PM ---Many, many years later mad Christian VII died in the arms of Chamberlain Conrad Revenfeldt, his hated stepmother's half-grand nephew.
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Oops. Of course Christian VII was not Anna Sophie's stepson. He was her step-great grandson!
Wherever else I wrote "Christian VII" above I did of course mean "Christian VI".

--- Quote from: Marc on April 16, 2010, 07:41:15 PM ---Maybe she wasn't of royal birth,but her Reventlow family is/was very old and distinguished one...her other ancestors were also from equally very old families such as RantzauAhlefeldt,Brockdorff,Blücher,Hahn,Sparre...but,obviously even that wasn't enough...

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She could probably count herself lucky that her mother was a Von Hahn and not her father's first wife Anna Margrethe Gabel, who was not born noble....

Not forgetting though, that this deficiency was in the eyes of the Hohenzoller (!) Sophie Magdalena of Brandenburg-Kulmbach and the other relatives of princely blood. As bad as Anna Sophie and the rest of the Reventlow Camarilla may have been, one can, as a descendant of her subjects, take a certain patriotic pride in the fact that the King of Denmark and Norway was not bound by haughty German prejudices, but married whomever his absolutist, sovereign will fancied. (Part of Countess Danner's popularity stemmed from exactly the same reason.)

Paraphrasing the Marquis of Lorne, one could say that the Reventlows were Sheriffs in Dithmarschen while the Hohenzollerns were almost equally parvenu Burggraves of Nürnberg. :-)

Naslednik Norvezhskiy:
LOL, I see that Anna Sophie may share her meagre royal ancestry with yours truly: Her maternal grandmother Sidsel Kaas of Sparre descends way back from the noble Løvenbalk family, which allegedly is a bastard line descended from disastrous 14th-century King Christoffer II of Denmark's liaison with a noblewoman of the Lunge family. (The family's canting arms (Løvenbalk means Lion Beam) can be seen as derived from the Danish royal arms. I myself may descend from a possible bourgeois line of the family who came to Norway as priests in the 17th century, after the Løvenbalks officially had gone extinct because one Løvenbalk who had captured the renegade Christian II and was Frederik I's envoy in Scotland had married a Scottish woman of the name Craigengelt. His sister, married to a Skram, challenged her nephew's right to the ancestral estate Tjele in Northern Jutland on account of his mother not being noble. And that was the end of the noble Løvenbalks.

Naslednik Norvezhskiy:

--- Quote from: Fyodor Petrovich on April 16, 2010, 06:18:19 PM ---I think the reason why Anna Sophie's arms as Duchess of Slesvig also featured the arms of Dithmarschen was that the Reventlows allegedly originated there in the Middle Ages.
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I see from a Reventlow family site that a more direct reason was that Frederik IV had given her de udendigse lande, the lands beyond the dykes, in Dithmarschen (which is in the Duchy of Holstein, not Schleswig, as I wrote), in addition to the County of Vallø on Zealand. Both estates she had to return upon her husband's death. Her successor Sophie Magdalene made Vallø with its gorgeous castle into a (Protestant) convent for unmarried noble ladies.  

Naslednik Norvezhskiy:

--- Quote from: Fyodor Petrovich on April 16, 2010, 09:18:57 PM ---His sister, married to a Skram, challenged her nephew's right to the ancestral estate Tjele in Northern Jutland on account of his mother not being noble. And that was the end of the noble Løvenbalks.
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Oh no. Now I see that through her paternal great grandmother Anna Below, Anna Sophie also descended from this Løvenbalk-Skram union which may have deprived my ancestors' family of their manor and nobility. Of course now I agree with Queen Sophie Magdalene that that devil's spawn was a whore :-)


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