Thank you, "reverend-in-training" for your kind thoughts on the spirited discussion to which you alluded in your reply # 59. Unfortunately pms in this case would not publically reveal the nuances needed to be brought into the open, IMO. As the matter has already been referred to the FA, I should think that you will not have to bear much further with the "I MUST just get in the last word" syndrome of this "tempest in a teacup" melodrama.
On the other hand (and potentially o/t), I note in another thread, that you have done some "missionary-type (?)" work in Indonesia. and now wish to later undertake Russia. Such a local American youth group tried this a year ago (they came to us for introductory, polite , basic Russian phrases). I am of the impression that perhaps not alot (however one measures "alot") was achieved during their summer trip, working I think especially with youth church groups and possibly limited orphanages. One needs to be ever so sensitive to and carefully gauge the govermental attitude towards "foreigners" arriving to work with their children in such an endeavor, however well-intentioned, especially in the orphanages. Best regards in your future chosen work, AP.