Great idea Lisa for this thread.
I would love to hear what specific crimes against the Russian people that Nicholas would be accussed of.
What specific crimes? What crimes if any would you have Alexandra charged with?
As someone mentioned, Nicholas, as Autocrat of all Russias, could be considered responsible for the actions of his ministers, and also his army, which fired upon and killed many people on "Bloody Sunday" (just one example).
I don't think it's anything specific, more the fact that, as I said, he was Autocrat, and thus many considered him responsible for "atrocities" in Russia at the time.
Seeing as it was also Nicholas who declared war with Germany, he could also be considered responsible for all Russians that died in the war, not to mention being responsible for the lack of firearms and supplies for soldiers, which condemned many of them to their deaths.
As for Alexandra, in Bolshevik Russia, being German was enough to condemn her. But of course they'd find other "reasons" to execute her at the "trial".
What would you do with the children? Let them go, or also charge them with crimes against the Russian people?
Exile. (I'd try, anyway).
Frankly all this depends upon how much finger-pointing, and how cynical, one wants to be.
But if we need someone to bring forth more accusations, then I'm happy to be the on the prosecution. Say the word and I'll start digging for specifics.