Dear Bob/All,
I am a published writer, at present researching a novel principally set in Russia in 1917/1918 and hope that you or your fellow members may be able to help me form time to time in the coming months, in regard to my research.Several of my book's scenes are set in Tsarskoe Selo in 1917, durign the time of the Tsar's confinement there.
I am looking for quite specific answers to questions and ther first one that I need help with is this: would you or any of your members know what kind of public lighting system was in operation in Tsarskoe Selo at this time? Was it gas, or electric. (I know St. Peterspurg used electric street lighting at this time--since 1883, in fact, when the first elcetric lamps were installed).
Also, would anyone know if the homes of the middle to upper classes used gas stoves or gas lighting at this time?
I greatly hope that you or your fellow memebrs may be able to offer me specific advice or answers in this regard.
Many thanks in advance for your help and well done on a very interestign website!
Glenn Meade.
My e-mail address is: