Author Topic: Tsarskoe Selo 300th Anniversary!  (Read 2822 times)

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Offline Laura Mabee

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Tsarskoe Selo 300th Anniversary!
« on: June 23, 2010, 11:54:33 AM »
I recieved an email today from Mr. Paul Gilbert about this years 300th Anniversary in Tsarskoe Selo!

Here is a break down of events:

June 23

10.00 – A solemn Te Deum in the Church of the Icon of the Sign of the Mother of God on Palace Street , 1.
11.00-14.00 – A conference The Tsar's Village in Russia's history with the participation of descendants of the Romanov dynasty, and Alexander Pushkin in the Catherine Palace.
14.00 - Rewarding those who made a significant contribution to rural development, the anniversary mark In memory of 300 years of the Tsar's village at the October boulevard , 24 .
14.00-16.00 - Opening of the three state rooms of the Alexander Palace - Palace Street, 2.
18.00 - Second Music Festival Tsarskoselsky in the Great Hall of Catherine's Palace.

June 24

11.00 - Opening of the *Palace of Marriages in the building of the Reserve palace on Sadovaya street , 22. (NOTE: the former palace of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna).
12.30 - Anniversary Exhibition Property of the nation in the Cameron Gallery in Catherine Park.
13.30 - Opening festivities - concert hall on the Pushkin Street , the arrival of the train Minor October Railway.
14.30 - March - parade of military units on Pushkin, Greenhouse , Garden Street, Leontief , Pushkin Street.
17.00 - Opening of the Hermitage Pavilion and the Hermitage groves in the Catherine Park.
18.00 - Prize of the Government of St. Petersburg in the field of literature , art and architecture in the Catherine Park.
19.00-23.00 - Concert program .

June 25

12.00 - Opening of the exhibition On the Threshold Lyceum , Lyceum presentation of the first volume of the encyclopedia The Tsar Emperor 's Lyceum , Sadovaya street , 2.
14.00 - Festival partner cities Tsarskoe Selo in Fyodorovsky town.
15.00 - Interactive street festival and carnival for children and adults Petrushka World in Tsarskoe Selo, with the participation of the Puppet Theatre of Russia and foreign countries - Magazeynaya street , 42.

June 26

14.00 - International Tsarskoselsky carnival.
16.00 - Assembly carnival cities Carnaval gathers friends in the jubilee.
16.00 - 22.00 - Arts Festival "City of the muses "on Magazeynoy street , 42.
23.00 - Fireworks display.

June 27

10.00 - Ceremony of the consecration of the Cathedral of St. Catherine.
12.00 – Opening of the House of Youth Magazeynoy street , 42.
13.00-16.00 - Sports concert event Friends and guests of Tsarskoe Selo , Leningradskaya street 83.
14.00 - Opening of the Pavilion Concert Hall in the Catherine Park.
15.00 - Theatrical festival of military history clubs Vivat Tsarskoe Selo! in Fyodorovsky town .

For more information and a video go to:

I can't wait to see photos of the new rooms in the Alexander Palace!
Did anyone go from the AP?

Offline TimM

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Re: Tsarskoe Selo 300th Anniversary!
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2010, 04:00:40 PM »
Wish I could have gone, but I can't afford it.
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