Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

Tatiana's birth

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Hi! I'd like to aks about Tatiana's birth. Where exactly did it happen - Tsarskoe Selo or Peterhof? Xenia Alexandrovna writes 29 May in her diary: "From the station we went straight to the farm." That was when she and Maria Feodorovna were goig to see Nicholas, Alexandra and new-born Tatiana. I have never quite understood what is that "farm" mentioned in Romanovs' letters and diaries. And, by the way, on what weekday was Tatiana born?

Wikipeida entry for Tatiana.  That might help.


The farm was the family nickname for Peterhof, I believe.

Ok, thank you. I'm sorry if I'm asking stupid questions. I've always supposed it was in Peterhof, but then, I wasn't sure, because there's an extract from Nicholas' diary from May 15 and they're still in Tsarskoe Selo. I just started to wonder if they had moved from a place to another, the birth being so close...Was it a Lower dacha where Tatiana was born (and Maria, Anastasia and Alexei too?) Do you know when Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia were christened?


--- Quote ---there's an extract from Nicholas' diary from May 15 and they're still in Tsarskoe Selo
--- End quote ---

Do you mean Old Style or New Style?

--- Quote ---And, by the way, on what weekday was Tatiana born?
--- End quote ---

June 11, 1897 was a Friday. Unless that doesn't "kick in" until after 1900, in which case Tatiana was born on a Thursday. The whole different dates thing really makes my head spin!

--- Quote ---Was it a Lower dacha where Tatiana was born (and Maria, Anastasia and Alexei too?) Do you know when Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia were christened?
--- End quote ---

Yes, I believe so.
Olga's Christening...November 14, old style
Tatiana...June 8, OS
Maria...July 9, OS
Anastasia...can't find
Aleksey...Sept 3, OS


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