Author Topic: How is everyone today?  (Read 119087 times)

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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #210 on: August 13, 2010, 05:15:41 AM »
We had the palm trees chopped down recently. We had four of them out the front of our house and whilst they looked good - yes - the bats and the poop all over the cars, the boys cars of course.


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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #211 on: August 13, 2010, 10:22:18 AM »
The really scary part about Angioedema is when I get the throat swelling--has happened a couple of times, not all the way but still for some it's a life-threatening condition.

Our cat loves to bring her "offerings" inside to us, be it parts of birds, mice, etc.  There are a lot of tree lizards around now and she brought one in, laid it down and of course it took off.  It scurried behind the bookcase--this thing is huge and I wasn't about to move it!  So i walled it in with my daughter's piano books; poor thing. 



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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #212 on: August 13, 2010, 11:33:53 AM »
I would have done the same thing. I don't care how harmless something is unless I bring it in intentionally I don't want it in my house. So I just hide. Last night it was in the bathroom a couple of weeks ago when it was a regular bird I ran up stairs and hid in my room.

Offline amartin71718

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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #213 on: August 13, 2010, 05:01:26 PM »
My day hasn't been too bad, except for one thing: It....won't....stop...RAINING!! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!  >:(
I'm back on my bull****.


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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #214 on: August 13, 2010, 06:27:41 PM »
My day was good, my mom and my aunt made strawberry margaritas and I was aloud to have one.

Offline TimM

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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #215 on: August 13, 2010, 07:13:06 PM »
I'm doing okay today.
Cats: You just gotta love them!

Offline Ausmanov

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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #216 on: August 13, 2010, 09:27:44 PM »
Today is a fantastic day, except my lawn mower wont start, grrrr. Also i have guests coming tonight and tomorow.
God never closes a door without opening a window


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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #217 on: August 13, 2010, 10:55:33 PM »
Haha, your lawn mower won't start and our blender won't work. Lol.


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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #218 on: August 13, 2010, 11:05:31 PM »
I'm working!
Really well in fact.


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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #219 on: August 13, 2010, 11:07:42 PM »
So your all better now? Or at least pretty close? Hope so. So far so good no birds or bats flying around our house.


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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #220 on: August 13, 2010, 11:09:15 PM »
Yup pretty close to being mended again!

Glad your stray visitors have left.

Lady Nikolaievna

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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #221 on: August 13, 2010, 11:10:08 PM »
I'm tired and got a flu. It's amazing how I'm always sick! ;)

Offline TimM

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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #222 on: August 13, 2010, 11:12:42 PM »
Aw, Gabi, not again.  I wish you would get well and stay well.  It sucks that someone your age should be going through all this.
Cats: You just gotta love them!


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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #223 on: August 13, 2010, 11:14:09 PM »
Happy news Lindelle! And so am I. Aww, Lady. *Here virtual cake* Hopefully you won't have to go back to the hospital as much as we'd all like an update on Doctor. Why are you always sick? It can't be very fun, even if you do on occasion get to stay away from school.


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Re: How is everyone today?
« Reply #224 on: August 13, 2010, 11:16:16 PM »
I'll tune in tomorrow again.
At the moment I'm sitting in the office where the sun is shining through and the heat is making me a little itchy.