My problem is that I am incredibly uncoordinated when it comes to sports that involve catching, hitting, throwing, or kicking a ball. =]
I'm too! But hey, it's just a game, it's not meant to be deadly serious, it's meant to be fun! If I were the gym teacher I'd put all the uncoördinated kids in a separate group and let them play against each other.* I'm sure they would have a blast! And they might actually improve their coördination, something which you can't do if you never get an opportunity to handle the ball in a game.
* With proper instruction! Why is it that all gym teachers think everybody knows all the rules and moves already? A Spanish teacher doesn't expect that all the children have learnt Spanish at home so he just can start speaking Spanish with them!
And yes, a hardcore coach would probably say that uncoördinated kids should practize on their own untill they've progressed. But the thing is, if you never experience the thrill of actually playing, you'll not be motivated to practize! It's just the same with reading: If the first reading material you are presented with is the King James Bible or Shakespeare or something else waaaay above your level or in a foreign language, you will not be motivated to learn to read, because you've never experienced the thrill of reading.
(Actually, the motivation to learn to read is probably way stronger, because even as a kid you understand that reading is just not a nice pastime like playing ball, but something you need to know in order to function in society, especially in a computerized society. So yes, we should feel more compassion for analphabets than for those who miss out on playing ball, even though in some cultures, especially for males, one can argue that it's hard to function socially without playing or having played ball.)