The Claimant Committee recognizes that some people are having difficulty perfecting their claims, for any of a number of reasons.
One of the main reasons is that they are having difficulty understanding or following the otherwise simple rules put forward by the committee.
To help individuals, and in some cases, groups, perfect their claim in the format required here, the Claimant Committee is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with Spoof U.
Spoof U. offers college credit for your efforts in perfecting your claim, leading to a bachelor's or master's degree in Romanovology.
Your experiences with following instructions, writing your claim, and learning from scientists why your DNA doesn't stand a permafrost's chance in an Ekaterinburg summer of actually matching any published value, is deemed by the Board of Director's of Spoof U. as sufficient for passing their rigorous degree requirements.
Please contact the forum moderators as seen above for financial aid details, as well as any pre-requisites, although we are sure your life experiences will suffice.
Thank you,
The Claimant Committee.