Cherie Douglas
I am shocked! My human companion (Katieann) informs me that Ortino II and another Princess Meowsky slept on the Empress's bed. Are you SURE these are royal offspring?? I NEVER sleep anywhere except my own bed (it's so much more comfortable than that weird contraption Katieann is forced to use); and, as for running loose along the corridors - well, my dear, that is simply NOT DONE. I never go anywhere without my Nanny, personal maid, valet and 2 guards. Nanny still insists on proper table manners ("paws off the table", "chew your food with your mouth closed", "use a napkin", "always ask to be excused") even though I am now quite grown up, but naturally I obey her as she knows best. My personal maid ensures that my private needs are attended to - I would say more, but Nanny says such things aren't spoken of in public. The valet ensures there are adequate supplies of my favourite food, my water bowls are kept filled, and my toys are always exactly where I need them to be. And the guards are there to ensure that I am not catnapped or harmed. If I say so myself, I am a very pretty cat with excellent markings and a good pedigree and Katieann would of course be distraught if I disappeared.
Allowing cats or dogs the free run of a palace is wrong. They will end up with ideas above their station and will result in low-born moggies thinking it is acceptable to sleep on the Throne, lounge on the Empress's bed and walk over the Emperor's desk. Such things cannot be tolerated and I for one will not visit until my safety and wellbeing can be completely assured. I will need a room for myself of course, plus one each for the valet, Nanny and Katieann. The guards can share a room - but should be stationed nearby in case I require them. I am the great great great great great great great great granddaughter of a Grand Duchess's cat and should be treated with the deference and respect my rank deserves.
And, I have heard a nasty rumour circulating about me. I DID NOT eat the goldfish from Granny's fish pond when I was round visiting. It was that sneaky grey cat from No. 26 that did it. His name's Pebbles (WHAT kind of name is that for a cat??) and I saw him as I was having my morning bath. He had the sheer nerve to come up to the window and meow at me. And, we hadn't even been introduced! What appalling manners.
Yours in friendship
meow, meow, meow
Douglas - sorry Her Imperial Princess-ship is getting a bit stroppy. The guy next door's just got a new kitten and she's taken it upon herself to instruct the interloper in the proper way to behave. This kitty's more rock n roll than minuette and she's taking it badly. Keeps complaining that his table manners aren't good. Anyway, I thought a trip to my Mum's would help calm her down, but there was the incident with the goldfish. While I am not one to point fingers, I did see HRH burying something in the garden. She swears it was something unmentionable, but I could definitely smell fish. Think it would be best if we didn't visit until all the ponds at Tsarskoe Selo are covered.