Author Topic: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .  (Read 232676 times)

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #315 on: August 10, 2004, 10:53:17 AM »
Dear Anna:
  I see you wish to test your recruit. As I know you know, Sidney Reilly was a white Russian agent and got caught up in the "sting" operation the Soviets mounted against the Romanovs (Nikolasha and Dmitri). Trest was an elaborate ploy created to make the Romanovs and counter-revolutionaries believe there was a strong counter-revolutionary movement in Russia proper. Many white agents were lured across the border on pretexts of meeting up with like-minded people, only to be captured or killed. Reilly went across the border on such a mission and was never heard from again. (Trest means Trust as in a business; its predecessor which also "took out" a major white Russ spy was called Syndikat).
 Tsar Doug, please take heed. See the price paid by those loyal to the throne. I think a Countess-ship is the least to request. Countess Tatiana - has a nice ring. And, alas, I have revealed my real name. Hopefully, I won't lose points with the Master Spy for that breech of security. (AnBhanfhaidh is the title of a Celtic prophetess - it is pronounced "Ahn vanEE". Good spies should have a command of many languages and cultures, don't you think??)


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #316 on: August 11, 2004, 06:58:31 PM »
From the Imperial Beside

Family Claimants All--

My right hand waves to you the faintest of royal waves as I continue Week II of La Grippe. Writing Santa Fe travelogues can be arduous, you know, but with that task now complete I can sleep a bit more soundly and--who knows--perhaps muster enough energy for a counter-revolution. In the meantime, I am keeping Imperial Cainine Cocoa and Imperial Felines Rex and Reginald out of the hallways, as well as fighting off all local invading ants (Red Bolshies in disguise, I fear) with well-aimed spritzes of Raid. If the flu doesn't get me, dear ones, the ant spray just might.

Perhaps it all began with that cactus salad in Santa Fe. Ah, one does regret not taking along one's royal food tasters, but at this point it's only so much spilled tequilla . . .

Yours for wellness--

The Ailing GD/GP Janet


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #317 on: August 11, 2004, 07:39:15 PM »
From the cage paper of HIH Indeed (the) Cossack Baby:

The anchoress of this nice hermitage tells me that tomorrow is someone's hundredth anniversary and that she will be feeding us bird treats in His Human Imperial Highness' honor.  That is something to look forward to!  So tonight I will have sweet dreams instead of nightmares about frightening old photos of someone that looks like they looked like a Grand Duchess if someone else said so....  or even worse -- Mr. Paul Burrell.

HIH Dmitri approves of the Imperial Protocol regarding the animal Tsardom.

HIH Cossack Baby.


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #318 on: August 12, 2004, 05:48:51 PM »

Anbhanfhaidn've passed the test.. By courtesy of the spy-confederation we grant you the name of "Tati". In this circuit our names have to be short as we have to move fast (lesson 1). My welcome present ...I knew you've wanted this such a long time, but it's a limited edition and for members only ...Anna's greatest Balalaika hits ;D. Would be nice if you have some skills - acting, playing a music instrument- this can be of use as a disguise and you can come in easily at most parties (lesson 2).
Last but not least- how are you getting along with blini's and bubbles - we don't drink tea and use teabags only for our eyes (lesson 3)
When the Gd/GP Janet can stand straight on her feet, I shall ask for an audition and introduce properly

Anna 8)


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #319 on: August 12, 2004, 06:30:44 PM »
Dearest Mentor Master-Spy Anna:
  I do play the Celtic Harp (An Bhanfhaidh is the name of my harp per tradition that all Celtic Harps are named). I used to play the balalaika until a kind workman stuck a broom handle into it's bottom  :'(. Funny thing is, being a Berioshka shop quality balalaika, it still sounds the same, even with a big gaping hole in it - oh well  :-/ So, very delighted at the CD.
 Will one of the budgies be instructing their carrier pigeon entourage to deliver same?? If so, I'll put out the pigeon poop tarp for my NYC apt roof.  ;D
  Blinis sound great. And if the bubbles are champagne, that sounds even better (hic). But, I'm afraid I'm not up to the peanut butter.


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #320 on: August 12, 2004, 10:19:55 PM »
From the cage paper of HIM Indeed the Budgerigar Alexis-Percival:

We ALEXIS-PERCIVAL, Budgerigar of Budgerigars, Keet-Prince of Birdland, Ph.D. of All Bird Brains, etcetera, etcetera and so on and so forth, yadda yadda yadda...  do hereby authorize OUR Imperial Courier to perform messenger duties to New York City on behalf of certain of OUR distinguished human companions.  He is to be suitably accorded all reasonable long distance shuttle privileges on luxury human conveyances en route to and upon his return from the agreed point of departure in the United States.

By Ooh-cuteness of HIM the Budgerigar
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Pravoslavnaya »


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #321 on: August 14, 2004, 05:32:47 AM »
Dearest Anna:
  The CD has arrived. And, my, you do play beautifully. I could not hope to match your skill with my hole-in-the-bottom balalaika.
  Funny thing, the CD was found next to a deposit of pigeon poo, anchoring a request for repayment ??? for a round-trip first class airline ticket. Hmm. The airline ticket was propped against a dark grey pigeon feather with gold gilt on the edges  :o (Sort of reminded me of the Imperial pages with the gold trim on their black coats).
 Good thing I had the tarp out!!


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #322 on: August 14, 2004, 08:26:00 AM »
From the cage paper of HIH the Budgerigarevich Dmitri
To HIH Tanya, Grand Duchess of NYC, Princess of Schenectady, etc. etc..

August 12 and 8/4, 2004

My dear Grand Duchess Tanya:

It grieved me as Your Highness' ever affectionate Budgerigarevich that one of our Imperial Couriers, Cyril, had a lapse in protocol recently, and rather than following the procedure of submitting all requests for reimbursement of his business expenses directly to my personal staff, asked for payment from Your Highness.

Wishing to relieve your distress by following the example of my much beloved human counterpart, I have ensured that this bill has already been paid and enclose proof of said payment.  Cyril has been coached -- again -- on appropriate TransAtlantic Imperial Courier procedure and wishes to second my sincere apologies.  His wings have been clipped and he will assume domestic duties in future until further notice.

With sincerest and loftiest regrets.

HIH Dmitri
Sovereign Feathered Budgerigarevich, Great Keet of Birdland, M.S. of All Bird Brains, etc. etc.


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #323 on: August 19, 2004, 10:57:26 AM »
Dear Tsar Doug and Courtiers All,

Well, I am thrilled to think that Herring and Etc. will make it on the Imperial Breakfast Buffet from this time forward...the provinces will approve and that can only mean more regard for all things Imperial among the populace. Just please don't expect me to eat anymore of it! I did my bit for God and the Imperial House during my recent travels, and am back to black coffee and the newspaper (ironed before I receive it on the breakfast tray, of course) as my usual breakfast...

So sorry to report than the Empress was nowhere to be found on my travels, though I did run into a very nice little French Bulldog-Ortino lookalike in the charming Estonian town of Tartu...will keep my eye peeled for the imperial luggage, and of course at the local megamall...the Empress does like her shopping! I have committed the password to memory, and do hope I can report back with news of a sighting! Bye the bye, has the Imperial security force scanned the crowds at the Olympics for the Empress? There was a tiny rumor she might attend... caio for now, GD Melissa & Ortino II


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #324 on: August 19, 2004, 04:35:45 PM »
Melissa and other dearies,

When there's something wrong in your royal neighbourhood, who you gonna call........ Spy Anna (and newbie "Tati").
As we all know the Empress was last seen in The Hague
but we traced her all the way to Greece, Dougie was with her too. They were seated next to HRH Prince Alexander of Orange at the Olympic openings ceremony.
Later I discoverd the pair wanted to register themselves for synchronised swimming, they already have that frozen smile on their face and know how to keep up ones nose.
Alas, they failed the dopingtest, to much tea in their royal blood. It would have been so nice, watching them swim on the beautiful tones of my balaika.

I do hope I spelled correctly and I didn't use smileys, except this one

Anna 8)

Doug & "E"

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . .
« Reply #325 on: August 20, 2004, 12:12:03 AM »
Greetings one and all:  We're all just back from Athens.  The Empress is sad that our son, Prince Platon, did not get the gold medal for high diving.  Our dear Prince feels that being the most blond is what counts. We've told him a hundred times that the color of one's hair is not the most important part of being an athlete.  Sitting next to the Prince of Orange, ne Alexander, was most interesting.  He has the sweetest breath.  I think he uses some sort of mint.

Thank you, Anna, for the report on the Empress and her mad coffee drinking and shopping spree in the Amsterdam!  When we got home the orderly brought me a huge tray of bills. She goes on these crazy coffee binges and we just don't know what to do.  And if she adds a little chocolate to this it's "Katey - Bar the Door".

Grand Duchess Melissa is well,  I see.  I must report that we're back to toast and coffee for breakfast.  The sour cream and herring was nice for a day or so but I told the porters to lay on the marmalade and butter for the rest of the summer.

We hope that GD Janet is over her mal de  cough.  I hope the cough syrup we sent helped - Dr. Kinbot made it up and added a little narcotic but not too much.  I note that he added on the label that one should not use heavy farm machinery when using the syrup.  Naturally I always heed his sage advice.  Blessings all......D & E and our overly blond Prince Platon. 8)

Janet Whitcomb

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #326 on: August 20, 2004, 01:43:51 PM »
Greetings One and All Royal Claimants, a.k.a. RCs:   I have indeed recovered. Indeed I have.  And, might I add, out of deed as well.  :o

Of course, I still have a bit of a cough. But then, I always cough when I am fwightened.  (Not a misspelling, mind you, but merely my recently-recovered accent, with many sincere thanks to the spirit of Ingrid Bergman, alive and well on DVD.)

Really such a bore to be so ill for such a long long time.  Traveling, however, does that to one. Still, attending the Santa Fe cotillion—all royal obligation aside—was so very very worth it. Mixing with the general public—ah, what delight! And you know, I think they really liked me. We dined on salsa and downed tequila, and I changed out all diamonds in my tiaras to turquoise. Such fun! We were very much amused. :D

All the same, I fear that the good people of Newark must go on without me. Tsar Doug, perhaps you and your estimable spouse could take my place? Or my dearest Anna, could you hop on the Concorde—or whatever is available these days—and do the honors? Or mayhap another one of you might step in. I promise to return the favor once my health is fully restored!

Yours for cough lozenges, accurate spelling and abolishment of smileys:-*--

The GD/GP Janet

P.S. FYI Tsar Doug, there's plenty of sage advice in Santa Fe.   ;)


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #327 on: August 20, 2004, 08:36:32 PM »
Dear Janet Whitcomb Guest---Sorry to be so nosy or is that nosey?  Noisy??? But I was wondering. Is that sage advice in Santa Fe Russian? Glad you're on the mend.  Or is that mending?  ;DMany Blessings, Kay.


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #328 on: August 23, 2004, 03:32:33 AM »
Dearest Annie

Thank you so much for letting us know that your dear Samantha is a relative of mine!  The family story about me is I am a descendant of Vaska and a cat from the Imperial Yacht Standart - indeed, there is a photograph of my great great (I forget how many greats!) Grandy being held by the Tsarevich whilst he sits on the deck.  That photo has pride of place beside my basket.  After the Revolution we were taken about the Marlborough and sailed to England with the Dowager Empress Marie.  The rest, as they say, is history and we have been British ever since.

However, there has been a slight hiccup in my plans to move into the Alexander Palace.  Katieann (my human companion) heard the words "Paul Burrell" mentioned and turned a very pale shade of white.  Then she said some words which delicacy forbids me from repeating and promptly cancelled our airline tickets.  I distinctly heard the words "Princess" and "traitor" being mentioned, and thought it best to absent myself as she had what can best be described as a murderous look in her eyes.  I never knew the name of a servant could provoke such wrath.  Ah well, such is the human world.  However, my new carrying case has been put away for the time being, but my newly inscribed collar is still round my neck and looks lovely.  It's gold with blue stones and my name engraved on the front - the gold is particularly attractive as it picks out the colour of my eyes.

Well, as Katieann will obviously no longer be taking up her post as Dancing Tutor (a shame, as she's really quite good) due to the presence of "A N Other", all I can do is send you my best wishes from my basket beside the fire and hope that you and dear Samantha have a lovely summer.  Maybe one day we shall meet up in St Petersburg and exchange escape stories?

Fondest meows to you both.



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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #329 on: August 23, 2004, 11:32:03 AM »
Dearest Claimants,

Illness and temperment issues are part of our lives, is that not so? For whether we are human, feline, or canine we are first and foremost Roosians and therefore prone to melancholy.

Therefore, strike up the balalikas, pour the vodka, and let those of us who already miss the Santa Fe exhibit-- soon to be the Newark exhibit--surround ourselves in Russian sage. (And let's see New Jersey find something equivalent!!)

Yours for better aromatherapy--