Author Topic: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .  (Read 236175 times)

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #330 on: August 23, 2004, 02:20:00 PM »
GD/GP Janet and other dearies,

We are not feeling gloomy do we? Didn't you enjoy my CD to cheer you up? Well I think it's bettter to hop on that concorde or whatever is flying to your side of the world. I'll bring my balalaika, blinis, vodka, latest gossip and good mood. Are we having a party or what?
It's a great honor to be present at the Newark exhibit, I have to be back on time because they are expecting me september 18th in A'dam to assist Queen B. at the opening of the exhibit in the Little Hermitage. We go in full court dress, you know the whole everything, tiara's, loads of pearlstrings etc etc.  
I must admit I'm gonna love it :D So if you see somebody
wink at the camera's of wearing dark sunglasses, It's me saying Hiya to all dearies ;)

Anna 8)


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #331 on: August 25, 2004, 12:47:49 AM »
Dear Anna and Each and Every Dearie,

Greetings from the Mauve Cottage at Tsarkoe I mowed the lawn in front of the cottage, and then rested in the hammock with ice tea and caviar sandwiches...I wish Tsar D. and the Empress could arrange for the gardener to nip over to my little garden on a regular basis, but so far I am on my own in the lawn mowing department. Hard to push the mower while holding a parasol at the same time...not to mention what it does to my white kid gloves (from the JBK auction).

Anna dear, how exciting you are going to attend those two openings! Would you like to borrow my diamond and pearl tiara, or maybe my emeralds to dazzle the Amsterdam crowd? You know I am always a "friend who will lend" when it comes to the "jewel pool" ...besides, I owe you one for letting me borrow your sapphire parure for my Baltic Tour. It is divine, dearie-such a lucky girl you are to have so many beautiful baubles! Do watch after your health after what happened to GD Janet in Santa Fe. Those Bolshie germs are scary!

Itsn't it exciting that more imperial kitties are coming forward? I think perhaps Mr. Paul Burrell needs to pack his bags and hit the road to star in his own reality show. Heavens knows he is not seeing to the dusting at the palace...and the salmon sandwiches at tea are postively dried out! Plus few of the imperial critters seem to like him very much. Animals always know, they say!

The Tsar and Empress are unwinding from their trip to Athens. Now they are starting their Christmas shopping. Clever to be such early birds. Please forward me all your "wish lists" and I will see that they get to Tsar D. and the Empress. I may ask for a lawnmower I can ride, as the Imperial Family goes in for practical presents. I think their account at Cartier is always a good bet too. They also seem to enjoy the things they can purchase at Costco, like the new porch furniture the Empress picked up for the newly restored balcony of the Alexander Palace.  Ciao for now, GD Melissa & Ortino II

"D" & "E"

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #332 on: August 25, 2004, 03:00:00 PM »
Dearest Courtiers:  Hi Ho, our dear Grand Duchess Melissa....I  ordered that the Imperial Landscapers be sent to your private palace immediately to cut the grass on your estate.  None of our GD's should be mowing the lawn in this hot weather.  Also, I sent you some lemonade  and watercress sandwiches.  Be cool my dear. +++ The Empress is on her coffee binge again.  She now wants her own private Starbucks installed in the west wing.  What next?  I asked our  lawyers - Dewey,Cheetham & Howe to look into the legality of these things.  All for now,  "T"  "D". 8) It's just all too exciting!


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #333 on: August 25, 2004, 03:10:29 PM »
Dear Mentor Anna:
  It's so nice to see you posting again. There was such a lull there for awhile that I got frightened and started burning all the sensitive papers. Unfortunately, my roof-top bonfire caught the eye of the local constabulary who were not amused at spywork for distant emperors, et. al. But, my cover is still secure - I 'm sure the eye rolling from the gendarmes confirms their belief that I belong to the class of local NY "character".

 Too bad, GD Janet is not coming to Newark. You promised me an introduction when she was back on her feet and Newark is just around the corner, so to speak.

  Hope to hear from you soon. Yours in service to the Tsar...Tati


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #334 on: August 25, 2004, 05:21:08 PM »
Yes, Tati, I too regret my inability to disembark for yet another museum tour. Such is the world of the invalid that I now inhabit, having regained semi-functionality but still scarred by La Grippe. However, upon complete restoration of my heath I will journey to your part of the world and grant a special audience. Magnificent of me, is it not?  ;)

I must admit some envy, however, regarding the lemonade and watercress sandwiches.  :'(  Tsar Doug, just because I have not been a slave (or is that serf) to my landscaping as has Grand Duchess Melissa does not mean that I would look askance should you show yours truly such beneficence.  And if your consort the Tsarina does have her way re: her very own Starbucks . . . well, I hope that you will send a very special latte in my direction. (In a nice demitasse, if you please, and not tossed like a rotten tomato.) Think of all the excellent PR I performed in Santa Fe, Tsar Doug . . . I beseech you.  :o

That being said, at this point I do most humbly beg Your Majesty's permission to return to my day bed as I listen to Lady-in-Waiting (a.k.a. Spy) Anna's CD, remaining--as always--

The Recovering and Balalika Inclined

GD/GP Janet


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #335 on: August 28, 2004, 06:58:03 PM »
My dearies,

Melissa dear, I didn't know you had my sapphires ??? I have so many jewels, gifts from kings-GD's -generals as a spy I don't receive a monthly pay-check, this girl has to live too and keep up my imperial standard.

Of course I dazzle the crowd with or without jewelry, so for this ocassion I would like to borrow your emeralds they match the color of my eyes so beautiful and therefore I treated myself with a pair of black spy-sunglasses covered with tiny little diamonds. This model contains a little earphone in case Queen B needs anything, a box of chocolate or has to go to the queensroom, she only have to whisper "QB for A over"

Now Tati my dearest, don't play with fire and please be careful with our secret papers. If there's no safe place to hide or destroy, you simply eat them (lesson 4) :P Yes spy-life can be mean, but think of the jewelry my dearie. You can go to Newark in a jiffy? Awfully nice of you to do, don't forget to offer your credits to the GD/GP Janet. Approach her with dignity and remember only speak when you are spoken to.

Anna 8)


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #336 on: August 28, 2004, 07:40:27 PM »
Anna dear,

The emeralds were picked up by UPS this morning and are winging their glittering way to you...sent the whole parure, so you can wear different pieces to the less formal events, and wear it all to formal dinners and receptions. The tiara can give you a headache, so make sure that you wear it with your hair in a chignon. That way the headache starts at the end of the evening, not at the start.

Also sent the sapphire parure back in the same parcel. I know you are generous with lending jewels to those who ask...and so busy as a superspy that those little details sometimes slip your busy busy mind...again, thank you for being "a friend who will lend" for imperial events.

By the by, the dear Tsar sent over the lawnmowerman a few days ago, and what a delight to sit on the verandah sipping ice tea and nibbling on tea sandwiches while someone else mowed away. The Tsar and Empress were so thoughtful to send over the tea things, as well as the lawnmowerman! Being part of the Imperial Household does have its perks...

Take all care of yourself and your new protege out there in the dangerous world of imperial espionage. How do you keep all the secret passwords straight?  

When you return after seeing Queen B. perhaps we Court Ladies could have a little gathering at my Mauve Cottage...  caio for now,  GD Melissa & Ortino II

Offline jehan

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #337 on: August 30, 2004, 11:30:40 PM »
Well, I may be a Romanov too.  After all, my dog is a SIBERIAN husky!  That's right- she comes from the land of Romanov exile- and perhaps is descended from dogs around Ekaterinburg.  She doesn't resemble Jemmy or Ortino at all- but I'm sure we can find a connection there somewhere.

BTW- she IS absolutely beautiful- ice blue eyes and white/grey markings.  She'll never win any obedience trials (typical husky!), but she'd be first in any beauty contest!
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in. 
(leonard Cohen)

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #338 on: September 01, 2004, 03:13:11 PM »
Hello  Jehan and all Imperial members of the Court:

From your vivid description of your Husky doggy we can only come to the logical conclusion that she is a direct descendant of the pooches around and about Ekaterinburg in 1918!  Please let us know her name so that we can add her to the Imperial Roster of Palace Pooches.  This is better known as the IRPP.  

Our kitty cat Coal is also a direct link to the kitchen staff of the Alexander Palace.  In 1916 the kitty that used to hang about the milk  cow barn gave birth to Felix Bourbon Rostov, a beautiful Russian Black.  We can actually trace our dear Coal, who is a Russian Black,  directly to this cat from the Imperial Kitchens.  Tell that to - "D"

Janet Whitcomb

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #339 on: September 01, 2004, 06:53:56 PM »
Fellow Claimants, I interrupt your conversation re: pets of Russian heritage to ask what is to become of the film about our lives, and who we will enlist to play us?

Dibbs on Meryl Streep to play me, fellow claimants!  

As for the role of Tsar Doug, let's sign Bill Murray before someone else does.

Can you imagine, my fellow claimants? The Oscars! The fame! The unlimited funds for liposuction!

I suggest we all start ordering our stretch limos this very minute.

Offline Douglas

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #340 on: September 02, 2004, 12:54:54 AM »
Dearest Courtiers:   Our most dear GD Janet has reminded us all that  production must begin on the film of our lives.  Tsar Doug will be played by either Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise.  I actually do not look like either one of these actors but who cares.  What we are interested in is audience appeal and box office, not historical  accuracy.  Our dear cat Coal will be played by one of the tigers from the Moscow circus.  I know that the tigers are a little out of scale but remember what I said above: we want excitement and thrills not reality.  All for now dear ones........"D"


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #341 on: September 02, 2004, 01:07:48 AM »
Dear Tsar Doug and All,

I am requesting that Angelica Huston be asked to portray myself, and Ortino II feels that with an acting coach, he could portray himself. If Angelica is comfortable working with a talented fourlegged neophyte, should that pose any problem?

Would we all get to go to the Oscars? Could Anna compose and sing the musical scores in the film? Will GD Janet stop coughing long enough to be able to visit the set and not disturb filming? Will the set designer use real Faberge or Fauxberge (just remember that giant egg clock gifted to the Dowager Empress in N&A---it is why when we all saw real Faberge for the first time, we were shocked at how TINY it is!) many questions and so little time....   GD Melissa & Ortino II

P.S. It is so wonderful that the Imperial household is brimming with lovely imperial pets once more! And all with such lovely lovely lineages....


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #342 on: September 02, 2004, 12:29:06 PM »
Melissa and other dearies,

Wow, that would be a great honor, to do the music and singing scores. Hollywood here I come - bring me that oscar!! Balalaika-music is definitely best choise for this film about us, it sounds imperial, emotional and oh so Russian. And my singing....  chansons Russie...I'll break your hearts.

We Court ladies must have a little gathering before season begins. Who's gonna wear what and when, which jewels, hairdo, black or white limo, do we take our pets to official dinners. And of course the Grand Premiere of the Film ( not a name yet?)
I must know al these details because I'll  faint if some of you Ladies wears a robe of the same designer ( can't stand such a thing). And please be mild at my protegĂ© Tati, she slurps her soup and burbs drinking bubbles :o
Well, she's a newbie in our royal family and never been in palaces and at grand premieres. She's still learning but I sometimes feel like prof.Higgings with Eliza Doolittle.

See you soon, dearies,

Anna 8)


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #343 on: September 02, 2004, 02:36:39 PM »
I am so sorry to dissapoint you, but the film is finished already. It is in the editing department of Fox, and will be release on Decemeber 2004.  For copyright porpouses, I cannot tell you anything else, but I can send you tickets for the premiere in New York after you sing  an agreement for not  taking me to court after you find out  what is on the movie...Hey... just call it Felix's heritage...

Best Regards,

Arturo Vega-Llausás

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #344 on: September 02, 2004, 02:53:36 PM »
We're so happy, Arturo, that your film is complete and in the can.  But I must inform all that another film is being produced at Paramount about the Imperial Courtiers.  That is one that we refer to in our postings above.  When this new film is released I'll have someone send you some tickets to the Premiere in Cannes, France.  All are more than welcome to attend the galas.........."D" and "E".