Yes, Tati, I too regret my inability to disembark for yet another museum tour. Such is the world of the invalid that I now inhabit, having regained semi-functionality but still scarred by La Grippe. However, upon complete restoration of my heath I will journey to your part of the world and grant a special audience. Magnificent of me, is it not?

I must admit some envy, however, regarding the lemonade and watercress sandwiches.

Tsar Doug, just because I have not been a slave (or is that serf) to my landscaping as has Grand Duchess Melissa does not mean that I would look askance should you show yours truly such beneficence. And if your consort the Tsarina
does have her way re: her very own Starbucks . . . well, I hope that you will send a very special latte in my direction. (In a nice demitasse, if you please, and not tossed like a rotten tomato.) Think of all the excellent PR I performed in Santa Fe, Tsar Doug . . . I beseech you.

That being said, at this point I do most humbly beg Your Majesty's permission to return to my day bed as I listen to Lady-in-Waiting (a.k.a. Spy) Anna's CD, remaining--as always--
The Recovering and Balalika Inclined
GD/GP Janet