Fellow Claimants and Future Hollywood Celebrities, I have returned.
That special cough syrup Tsar Doug sent has been helpful in a number of ways--hic!--but not in reducing the cough itself. However, We carry on as best We can.
Now, Uncle Val, what's all this about a completed film? Really, darling, is that why you have been so quiet all these months? Tsk, tsk . . . Sneaky little you!
Of course, we need keep in mind that no less than the Long Island Lolita had
three movies made about her. But since we, as claimants, have greater style and dignity than Amy-what's-her-name--and certainly more than those folks (what
is their family name?) that continue to feud and then ignore each other-- we should be able to confer and reach mutually agreeable decisions on such matters.
So, my question to you, Uncle Val: Could you consider your recent work as a trailer to our magnificent, soon-to-be-filmed spectacle, starring Meryl (of course) as me?
Remember, what's in it for you is a night at the Academy Awards, and not necessarily sitting way out there with the film grips and Mickey Rooney, but right up in the front row with Jack so you and he can be heckled by the host.
How about it, darling Uncle? Let's do lunch.

Yours for a whole row of Oscars--
The GD/GP Janet