Author Topic: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .  (Read 234952 times)

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #375 on: September 18, 2004, 03:25:37 PM »
JonC dearie,

What's keeping you, take a glass and join us. ;)

Anna 8)

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #376 on: September 19, 2004, 02:58:15 PM »
Dearest GD Janet:  Sorry to have missed you the other day at the spa.  I was sure that no one would notice that I was sans the Empress and in the company of 'another'.  About those rejected cubics...I told the keeper of the imperial jewels to send over some unmounted diamonds.  Will a handfull be sufficient?  Maybe hang the cubics on the Christmas tree as ornaments.  Our ACD reported back completely intoxicated and immediately left for a checkup with Dr. Kinbot.  He kept saying something about the GD Janet's 'devices', a gold torsade and had a strange smile on his face. Tea time and not a moment too soon.  Ciao..."D" ::)


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #377 on: September 20, 2004, 12:07:32 PM »
Hush, Tsar D., let all that be between you, the ADC and me!

Besides, you've your own "issues" to deal with, i.e.   Spa Woman. Tell me, has she been installed in the palace yet? In the rooms above your very own Tsarina? And how about the children, and where are you keeping the milk cow? Ah, methinks you have a great deal more to answer for than poor lil' ol'

GP/GD Janet

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #378 on: September 21, 2004, 02:40:39 PM »
GD Janet:  Well, quite a scoulding from our dear GD Janet!  Don't tell anyone but I have installed the mystery lady [an actress, sort of] on an upper room of the palace.  She's a little termagant and I have one of my trusted ADC's to watch her day and night.  Do you think that is a good never know about the ADC's......Off to the slotcar races with the kids.   "D"  8)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Douglas »


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #379 on: September 21, 2004, 04:07:18 PM »
Whether it be a scaulding or a scolding, I'm sure you merit it, dear Tsar D.  Not that I wish to be scathing, but think on it: A mystery lady whom you already refer to as a termagant, installed under the same roof as your dear Tsarina--and then what do you do? It's off to the slotcar races with the kiddies! (Presumably the "kiddies" being actual children, rather than nubile young strumpets.) If I were Termagant I'd drug the ADC, then compare notes with Wifey.

That being said, the burden of being royal, my dear T.D., is that we must preserve the appearance of propriety whenever possible. Remember the words of the venerable Mrs. Patrick Campbell, who was known to remark that "It doesn't really matter what you do, as long you don't do it out on the street and frighten the horses."  :o

So, T.D., no more mystery ladies at spas and other public places! And have a care whom you install in the palace, or very soon there may be a First and Second Tsarinas Club.  ;)

Reprovingly yours--

The GD/GP Janet
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Janet_W. »

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #380 on: September 21, 2004, 06:25:11 PM »
Dear GD Janet:  Just arrived home from the slotcar races and what do I find upstairs?  The empress and  the actress having a great old time with the ADC.  Naturally I was shocked beyond words.  I ordered them all out of the chamber, dismissed the ADC and fled to my hobby room to work on my toy soldier collection.  At least the toy soldiers behave and always stand upright, which is more than one can say for  some others.  Hope you are well and enjoying the end of summer.  All for now dear courtiers..just be careful whom you admit to the inner chambers of  your palace.   "D" :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Douglas »


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #381 on: September 22, 2004, 07:35:40 PM »

Dougie dear, what can I say at least I won't admit you into my palace...beware of the Doug.It's really your own fault, don't know anything about woman. You placed the little bird in a upstairs apartment, afraid of fighting each other out of the palace or pulling of their tiaras. And you find the two drinking tea together being the best of friends. A worse scenario for your dearie. Btw stick your nose into your own affairs, I was icognito with the GD/GP Janet in that luxurious establishment you called café. We girlies have to take up gossip and secrets once in a while. Well you gave us enough to talk about.
Have to go now the limo is waiting for my weekly jewelshopping, can't decide between the pink pearl or diamond ring. I think I take them both.

Anna 8)


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #382 on: September 22, 2004, 08:14:43 PM »
We, the Empress Alexis-Carolina, the Grand Budgiess Tatiana and the Grand Budgiess Alexandra, would like to reassure everyone that we are all in a safe place here in the Hermitage in Massandra.  Accept no substitute 'little birds' of the female persuasion claiming to be one of us...

We interrupt this transmission.  HIH the Budgerigarevich Dmitri has just informed us that the little bird being referred to in palace dispatches is in fact not of the feathered kind at all.   We see!   A false pretender!  

Why, she doesn't even look like an authentic parakeet!!!!!


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #383 on: September 23, 2004, 01:14:22 PM »
All sorts of pretenders, false and true, seem to be lurking about this site. One can only hope that they do not venture into this thread, which is—after all—where the claimant elite do meet.   ;)

But back to what really matters—whether it be for the birds or no—and that is Tsar Doug’s predicament. You know what “they” say, T.D.: What goes around, comes around. Perhaps the best thing we can do for you at this point is FedEx some more toy soldiers. Just don’t incorporate any rats into your play and shock the Empress, okay? And next time, dear Tsar, knock before entering, otherwise you may risk breaking up a perfectly lovely party.   :-*

Yours for soldiers, tin and otherwise—

The GD/GP Janet

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #384 on: September 24, 2004, 05:20:10 PM »
Dearest GD Janet and friends:  I am taking your advice to heart and  having a great weekend with the toy soldiers and model ship collection.  GD Anna is well in tulipland and  sorting through her jewel collection with a mind to sell some of the lesser pieces.  Hope you are all healthful, hale and hearty and  we   look forward to a new season of imperial galas & festivities of unparalled kinds.  Best wishes to all the claimants, others and the Forum Admin.  As ever, "D" & "E"   8)


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #385 on: September 29, 2004, 11:22:50 AM »
Darling Tsar Doug and Others--

Just wanted to let you know that I have been exceedingly preoccupied of late, looking up old black-and-white photos of moi so I might submit them to that other Claimants thread--the one that purports to be serious--showing that I am indeed the lost Grand Duchess Anastasia.

Yes, I realize there is an age disparity. (A great age disparity, Tsar Doug, and none of your sly remarks!  :-* ) But, my photos show me to be female and having two eyes, a nose, and a mouth, so what the hey? I might as well join the pack.

Yours for oodles and oodles of claimants--

The GD/GP Janet

P.S. T.D., how are your tin soldiers holding out? Should I order more?

Offline Douglas

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #386 on: September 29, 2004, 06:58:50 PM »
Dearest GD Janet and Courtiers all:  I can see a very definite similitude between your old  photos and Countess Buxhoeveden.  I am absolutely sure of this!       Now that this is a settled matter for all time and eternity let us move on to other more important issues such my collection of tin soldiers! I had them all standing at attention; all seven hundred of the little ones.  I gave them a smart order of "Left Face" and nothing happened, they just stood there as if there made of lead!  Now what? I am preparing a Courts Marshall for sure.  They're not going to get away with insubordination! I just won't have it. "D" >:(
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Douglas »


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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #387 on: September 29, 2004, 07:42:12 PM »

Gosh....GD/GP Janet, I was I accidentily looked into my mirror for the twentieth time this day..I could be the one. Of course you've eyes and a nose my dear,  but I've that naughty look and a twinkle in my eyes, when not wearing my sunglasses. From my siblings I'm the wittiest, my mum told me so. I can act -therefore I became a spy, I'm not tall and my name begins with an A. I was listening to the song Memories and suddenly I thought of the Yacht, and me climbing into trees in a white dress. Now there your are. I think Tsar D must decide who's who.

Dougie dear,  do you remember that day you fell between the rail when entering the imperial train and I laughed so loud.You didn't talk to me for weeks cause I made you feel embarrassed before the whole suite ;D. Don't tell me you can't remember.
It's real fun to have such memories I shall put this one in my memoirs.

Have a nice day my dears,

Anna 8)

Offline Douglas

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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #388 on: September 29, 2004, 11:11:09 PM »
Anna writes:
Dougie dear,  do you remember that day you fell between the rail when entering the imperial train and I laughed so loud.You didn't talk to me for weeks cause I made you feel embarrassed before the whole suite [Grin] . Don't tell me you can't remember.

Douglas replies:  That was long ago and I wasn't used to walking in those stiff military boots that Papa made us boys wear.  These days I go about in more comfortable shoes.  Yes, Anna you were always the wit of the family.



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Re: Imperial Family Claimants Post Here . . .
« Reply #389 on: September 30, 2004, 12:52:12 PM »
Merciful heavens, isn't this just like the old days!  My dear cousin Tsar Doug sparring with my fellow Grand Duchess Anna (and lady-in-waiting and spy . . . dear Anna wears many kokoshniks) and everyone having just a jolly old time. We are missing Pravoslavnaya and the budgies, and several of our other courtiers are on hiatus, but sometimes all it takes is Tsar Doug, Spy Anna and moi to have the coziest party imaginable!

But T.D., I really must beg to differ . . . Isa and I never did share a resemblance; as a GD/GP I am really more chi-chi than that. Plus you know that unlike Isa, I would never act in a nefarious manner, right my dear T.D.?   ;)

Now, as to the tin soldiers, I really am so sorry they are not behaving according to your commands, but if you click your booted heels together three times, then sing the chorus of "If I Only Had A Heart," I think you'll find that Oz never did give the Tin Man what he didn't already have.

As I quaff yet another glass of champagne, I remain--

The GD/GP Janet