Re: that last entry . . . Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Dearest Imperator Georgiy: Speaking of tetchy, what with me spending this coming summer at a convent and all, I'm just a little bit tetchy about wearing a veil, know what I mean?

But how's this: I have this faaaaaabulous hat from one hundred years ago, bedecked with all sorts of flowers and birdies (fake, not stuffed, so as not to enrage the Budgies) and other gee-gaws. Why I do believe it stands about three feet high and is two feet in diameter . . . and tied under the neck, of course, with one of those gauzy veils. My head would surely be covered by such haberdashery, and so I'd
more than meet your church's modesty requirements. What say you?
Shvibi, one of these days your Auntie Janet will have to give you lessons on how to board and disembark a bus. Truth be told, I ride about on them all day long, so I have plenty of practice. Of course, it might be a bit awkward boarding a bus to the wedding, since I will be wearing my Cinderella outfit and my great big turn-o'-the-century antique hat . . . but we'll work it out somehow.
And finally . . . Lexi Dear, how very very thoughtful of you to provide your Auntie Janet with an Arabian prince! I look forward to visiting his abode in the very near future, and I have my darling Lexi to thank! Merci boucoup, darling!

The Sheik, Rattle and Roll
GD/GP Janet