Aleksandr pavlovich, I am not making up excuses. The reasons I gave were throughly true. Also, you did not GIVE the anecdote to me, you merely mentioned it and did not post the whole text. (and I must have not read it thorughly the first time.) Thank you, RichC for posting the anecdote, that is indeed the one I was thinking of. If Tatiana, who was thought to be the most dignifed of the Grand Duchesses, kicked a lady-in-waiting for calling her Your Highness, I can only think that the rest of the girls, (but I do not know about Alexei, I think that he rather liked being called "Your Highness" and given the treatment according to his rank,) would not like it either! Now, I know you are going to harass me for not having a valid source for this, but really, why must we always have documented evidence for everything we post? Forums are for expressing opinions, among other things. And one more thing--"Feigning offense"? I did not feign offense! I was, and am, truly insulted by your posts. Also, I do not believe everything seen here as truth. It seems that you are expecting me to live up to your expectations, which I do not have to do.