I am sure we all have stories about Russian antiques, especially Faberge.
In Camden Town/lock There is a shop [I am assuming it is still there, although I have not been up there in a few years] that sells exquisite little Faberge style animals. The owner is Asian, so there is a fair guess as to where these come from. They are simply beautiful, Right scale, exact matches. I do not know how the original animals are marked, never having had one, but these could pass to someone who is not an expert. Besides the ones that I have seen in books, catalogues and museums, he had others that were clearly not one of Faberge's animals. Same quality, however. He never claimed they were Faberge, but when people assumed they were, he said nothing to disabuse them of the notion [tourists, mainly]. They were not cheap nor too costly. Over the years, I bought a few as cabinet pieces and then later gave them away as gifts. All I have left now is a cat with saphire eyes. When guests see it they insist it is Faberge, I tell them the story yet they still insist I do not know what I have. Oh, well, let them believe. The Asian guy and I know, so what the hell ?
BTW, the saphires are not real, I think.