Author Topic: Graf Romanzow Adjutant of Generalissimus Suworow in 1799  (Read 2697 times)

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Graf Romanzow Adjutant of Generalissimus Suworow in 1799
« on: July 14, 2010, 02:16:24 PM »
In 1799 7 Russian officers received the highest Austrian military order - The Military Maria Theresien Order .
One of them was Major Graf Romanzow, Adjutant of General Suworow.
He died in 1825 ! as a colonel !

My question is:
which first names did he have.

In some cases Romanzow and Румянцев are interchangeable.
Could he the major have been a relative of the ambassador:
Румянцев Николай Петрович (1754-1826) - граф, сенатор (1797), министр коммерции (1802- 1814), министр иностранных дел и канцлер (1807-1814), председатель Государственного совета (1810). Основатель Румянцевского музея.
who was in the same year (1799) Russian ambassador in Germany.