Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > The Danish Royal Family
Daughters of Frederick VIII & Queen Louise
Princess Louise of Denmark (1875-1906) married Prince Friedrich of Schaumburg-Lippe (1868-1945) and had three children by him:
1) Marie Louise (1897-1938 ) who married Prince Friedrich Sigismund of Prussia (1891-1927) and had two children by him, a son and a daughter. The son, Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (b. 1919) married twice but fathered no children. The daughter, Princess Louise of Prussia, married morganatically, had one son who lives in New York, but he did not have any children from his marriage either.
2) Christian (1898-1974) who married his first cousin Princess Feodora of Denmark (1910-1975) and had 3 sons and 1 daughter. In fact his son Prince Wilhelm (b. 1939) is a regular at the Danish court where he maintains very good relations with his cousins Margrethe and Elisabeth.
3) Stephanie (1899-1925) who married Fürst Viktor Adolf of Bentheim und Steinfurt (1883-1961) and had 2 sons by him, one died during the Second World War, the other married but had no children.
+_+_ +_
As for Ingeborg, Trond Norén Isaksen, a well-respected Norwegian biographer, has covered her and her children in various, marvelous by the way, biograhical articles in past issues of the EUROPEAN ROYAL HISTORY JOURNAL, which were thoroughly researched and handsomely illustrated!
Arturo Beéche
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As for Ingeborg, Trond Norén Isaksen, a well-respected Norwegian biographer, has covered her and her children in various, marvelous by the way, biograhical articles in past issues of the EUROPEAN ROYAL HISTORY JOURNAL, which were thoroughly researched and handsomely illustrated!
Arturo Beéche
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Hint hint hint! ;D Just kidding! I'm sure the issue was lovely! Yours must be the only journal to cover Ingeborg, because I've never seen anything written about her anywhere else. I love Ingeborg's sweet experssion in photographs. I've collected many postcards of her and her children, it's so nice to see old Royals actually smiling in photos!
Thank you to everyone regarding more info on Louise. That's so very sad that she took her life in that way... Does anyone know where it happened?
My Journal is unique in the choice of areas we choose to study and as a royalty magazine we try our best to have a good selection of articles every time, not just about a small group of families, as others do.
Arturo Beéche
I've never seen any photos of Louise could you show me photos of her as a baby, child, and adult?
Could you also show me baby photos of Thyra & Dagmar?
Thyra, Ingeborg and Louise
Fredensborg 1890: Thyra and Ingeborg are the two little girls in front, and Louise is at the extreme right
Louise (front, right) with her cousins: Toria of Wales (front left) and Xenia and Maud of Wales in back
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