Cannes 1898
Frist row: GD Andrei Vladimirovitch, ?, Prince Christian pf Cumberland, Duchess Cecile, GD Micheal Mikhailovitch, Prince Ernest of Cumberland, GD Boris, and Crown Prince Ferdinand of Romania
Second Row:Princess Alexandra of Cumberland, GD Helene Vladimirovna, ?, Duchess Thyra of Cumberland, GD Anastasia Mikhailovna, Queen Louise of Denmark, Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, Princess Marie of Romania, ?, ?, ?
Third Row: GD Micheal Nicolaievitch, Princess Olga of Cumberland, Princess Thyra, Duchess Alexandrine, Prince Christian, Duchess Elizabeth of Mecklembourg-Schwerin, Ernest Auguste Duke of CUmberland, GD Xenia, Duke Paul Frederick of Mecklembourg-Schwerin, Duchess Marie of Mecklembourg-Schwerin, Prince Harold of Denmark, Duke Jean Albert of Mecklembourg-Schwerin, Prince Federic of Denmar
Fourth row: GD Alexander Mikhailovitch,?, ?, Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovitch, and Duke Henry of Mecklembourg-Schwerin
The photo had been posted by Brian (I think) but that's gone.
The IDs of unkhowns:
First row: GD Andrei Vladimirovitch,
Prss Olga of Cumberland, Prince Christian pf Cumberland, Duchess Cecile, GD Micheal Mikhailovitch, Prince Ernest of Cumberland, GD Boris, and Crown Prince Ferdinand of Romania
Second Row:Princess Alexandra of Cumberland, GD Helene Vladimirovna,
Prss Ingeborg of Sweden, Duchess Thyra of Cumberland, GD Anastasia Mikhailovna, Queen Louise of Denmark, Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, Princess Marie of Romania,
GDss Marie of Mecklenbourg-Schwerin, Duchess Marie of Mecklenbourg-SchwerinThird Row: GD Micheal Nicolaievitch,
not!Princess Olga of Cumberland! that's M-lle Scalon, Princess Thyra, Duchess Alexandrine, Prince Christian, Duchess Elizabeth of Mecklembourg-Schwerin, Ernest Auguste Duke of CUmberland, GD Xenia,
Prss Thekla of Schwarzbourg-Rudolstadt, Duke Paul Frederick of Mecklembourg-Schwerin, Prince Harold of Denmark, Duke Jean Albert of Mecklembourg-Schwerin, Prince Federic of Denmar
Fourth row: GD Alexander Mikhailovitch,
GD Friedrich Franz IV of Mecklenbourg-Schwerin,
Duke Adolf Friedrich of Mecklenbourg-Schwerin, Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovitch, and Duke Henry of Mecklembourg-Schwerin