Discussions about Russian History > Russian Noble Families
Princes of Viazemsky/Wiazemsky
Tony de Gandarillas:
I know of the French actress, Princess Anne Wiazemsky, who is descended from the Russian Rurikid family of Princes Vyazemsky-Counts Levashov. Through her mother, Claire Mauriac, she is the granddaughter of François Mauriac, member of L'Académie française. Between 1967 and 1979, Princess Anne Wiazemsky was married to Jean-Luc Godard, French-Swiss film director, screen writer and critic. I would like to know more about this family, especially the origins of this title and any interesting members throughout the years. Can anyone recommend to me any books or internet sites that might help me learn more. I thank you in advance for your time.
--- Quote from: Tony de Gandarillas on September 03, 2010, 04:03:35 PM ---I know of the French actress, Princess Anne Wiazemsky, who is descended from the Russian Rurikid family of Princes Vyazemsky-Counts Levashov. Through her mother, Claire Mauriac, she is the granddaughter of François Mauriac, member of L'Académie française. Between 1967 and 1979, Princess Anne Wiazemsky was married to Jean-Luc Godard, French-Swiss film director, screen writer and critic. I would like to know more about this family, especially the origins of this title and any interesting members throughout the years. Can anyone recommend to me any books or internet sites that might help me learn more. I thank you in advance for your time.
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Prince Wiazemsky from whom this lady in doubt descended left Russia in 1919 on one of the british warships accompanying the Dowager Empress,Amongst others on the ships were his sister Princess Ilarion Wassitchikoff and her husband and family.
His widowed mother was also a refugee as was the widows of his two older brothers Boris and Dimitri who had been murdered by the pesants on his estate and mutineering troops. All 3 brothers had married in the space of a month in 1912 three first cousins the grand daughters of the very grand Count Ilarion V?orontsov Dashkov )died 1916) and his imperious wife Countess Lily (nee Shouvalova) the owners of Alupke the grandest house in the Crimea.
Princess Lydias daugher Princess Metternich wrote very interesting memoirs "Tatiana" which talks about the family estate of Levashov and her mothers imperious grandmother Princess Wiazemsky nee Countess Levashov the great heiress.
Tony de Gandarillas:
Thank you very much, Ashdean.
I appreciate the information.
Is this the same family name that married the daughter of famous London shop-owner Harry Selfridge?
"Marriage annoucement The New York Times ~ Thursday 8th Aug 1918 "Rosalie Selfridge Weds Daughter of London Merchant marries Serge De Bolotoff, Aviator London Aug 7th Rosalie Dorethea eldest daughter of Harry Gordon Selfridge, American owner of one of Londons largest stores was married this afternoon to Serge De Bolotoff, eldest son of the Princess Wiazemsky, member of one of the oldest famllies of Russia"
Forum Admin:
Serge de Bolotoff's mother was Princess Maria Viazemski (Vyazemsky) according to the records of Kingswood House. She was not on board the HMS Marlborough. On Board was Prince VYASEMSKY. Admiral of the Imperial Yachts. with his wife Princess Margaret Vyasemsky. They are likely cousins.
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