Discussions about Russian History > Russian Noble Families
Princes of Viazemsky/Wiazemsky
--- Quote from: Forum Admin on May 02, 2014, 03:23:57 PM ---Serge de Bolotoff's mother was Princess Maria Viazemski (Vyazemsky) according to the records of Kingswood House.
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Something suspicious with this family.... Some sources claim the de Bolotoffs being counts and calling them Viazemski de Bolotoff and his widowed mother keeping her paternal title even after marriage? BTW Vyazemskiy is not an uncommon name in Russia.
In Shopping, seduction and Mr Selfridge it is noted that the separated Madame de Bolotoff's title was not quite comme il faut: "She hadn't entirely made it up"! She claimed descent from the Rurikid Vyazemskiys through maternal lines and had allegedly obtained a permission from the Emperor in 1908 to use it. Among her friends and supporters were Admirals'ha Kolchak and Lady Tyrrell*, wife of the Foreign Ofice Under-Secretary, who swore she had seen the Emperor's decree granting her use of the title. (In reality perhaps use of the name? I can not imagine the Emperor granting such a request, when there were agnatic Princes Vyazemskiy around, like his Admiral of the Imperial Yachts.)
* Perhaps she recognized the issue too well: Her husband was allegedly the grandson of an Indian princess!
Thank you for the replies and all the interesting information!
Alexandra Pavlovna Viazemski (born Shuvalov)
BTW Rosalie "Viazemski" de Bolotoff was not the only Selfridge daughter to marry into a dubiously titled family. Her sisters Violette and Beatrice married respectively the brothers "Vicomte" Jacques de Sibour and "Comte" Louis de Sibour. Although the de Sibour family was a genuine noble family, whose noblesse de robe dated from the 18th century, they were untitled nobility and probably just assumed the comital and vicecomital titles to show off that they were pre-Revolutionary nobility.
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