Re Replies # 182 and 183: I will acknowledge that the full content of this post may stray off-topic, but as with both of you, I also find the usage of "family" nicknames more than "jarring." It is a continually recurring "thorn in the side" the APTMF. Moderators have cautioned the gushing use of such. Other than one adult exception, IMO, it arose firstly in the rather silly little teen-age "fan sites," which still seem to be adding (at a slower rate than earlier), but now with the qualifier "educational," when most repeat robotically the same romanticized drivel of anectdotes and photos, complete with "family nicknames" (in many cases a TOTAL invention as per documentation). The usage seems to convey a pathological "need" to identify with, or be a close-friend/"family member," etc. with the personage in question. The over-usage of template floral adornments and bicephalous eagles, etc., protestations of love for XXXXX, "happy dances" upon the imagined meeting of one of the intended, etc. are thankfully now less rampant, as maturity/realism takes over. When we have noted and published historians, (as well as AUTHENTIC family members/descendants) for comprehensive reference, who needs another "Grand duchess/es XXXX" tribute, under the guise of being pertinent? It's merely self-aggrandisement on the part of the "creator. ("Look, come visit my web site"; "See what I know, that YOU don't know,etc." ) And yes, this trend does sometimes persist beyond this initial group. While an august personage DOES NOT need to be addressed with the full panoply of titles each time they are mentioned, there ARE informal forms of address that CAN be used, unless quoting a source, of course. To paraphrase Poster # 182: You were NOT there, Never knew them, or were FRIENDS with them, and ARE NOT related to them. (All this, despite some rather akward individuals, here and elsewhere, insisting to those who will listen, that they are spirit recipients/hold memories of, etc. members of the Russian Imperial Family, the Romanian Royal Family, etc.) AP.