Spanish Royal Wedding
The wedding of Infanta Isabel Alfonsa de Borbón Dos Sicilias Borbón is celebrated at the Palacio Real, daughter of the deceased Princess of Asturias, Maria de la Mercedes de Borbón Hapsburg-Lorena, and of Infante Carlos de Borbón Dos Sicilias, with Count Jan Zamoyski. In the center, the spouses, flanked by the Kings and godparents, Alfonso XIII and Victoria Eugenia. In the first row seated (L to R),Infanta Isabel de Borbón y Borbón, "La Chata"; infante Carlos de Borbón Dos Sicilies - father of the bride, Countess Zamoyski, King Alfonso XIII, the spouses, Queen Victoria Eugenia, princess Luisa de Orleans (2nd wife of the infante Carlos) and Prince de Asturias, Alfonso de Borbón and Battenberg (2R).