Author Topic: Alfonso de Orleans, Infante of Spain and Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha  (Read 116637 times)

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Re: Alfonso de Orleans, Infante of Spain and Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2005, 01:24:02 AM »

Men: Infante Alfonso; Charles Edward, Duke of Coburg; Crown Prince Ferdinand; Prince Leopold of Battenberg (Lord Leopold Mountbatten?Beatrice?s 2nd son); Alfonso?s brother?; Prince Philip of Coburg

Yes, the young man near Prince Philip of Coburg is Alfonso's brother Luis. BTW, quite an odd person and not such a nice man as Ali. "Secrets of the Gota" by de Diesbach contains some passages about this Prince and his marriage to a rich woman who was much more older than he.

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Re: Alfonso de Orleans, Infante of Spain and Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
« Reply #31 on: March 22, 2005, 08:36:40 AM »
Luis de Orleans was a mess...he become addicted to opium and, I'm sure, worst drugs and alcohol.  One time he was involved in the death of a sailor in Paris who he had met at a disreputable establishment and taken home for some extracurricular activities.  The dumb sailor overdosed and was dead by the morning!  Luis ran away and went to Spain.

When the King, another time, took away his titles and rights as an Infante of Spain, Luis sent Alfonso XIII a nasty letter in which he told his cousin the King that he hoped Spain would kick the King in the @#$%*@!*&^% and send him into exile...Luis the clairvoyant!

Arturo Beéche
Arturo Beéche, Publisher
European Royal History Journal
Kensington House Books
6300 Kensington Ave.
East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 USA

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Re: Alfonso de Orleans, Infante of Spain and Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
« Reply #32 on: March 22, 2005, 10:29:19 AM »
Luis de Orleans was a mess...he become addicted to opium and, I'm sure, worst drugs and alcohol.  One time he was involved in the death of a sailor in Paris who he had met at a disreputable establishment and taken home for some extracurricular activities.  The dumb sailor overdosed and was dead by the morning!  Luis ran away and went to Spain.

When the King, another time, took away his titles and rights as an Infante of Spain, Luis sent Alfonso XIII a nasty letter in which he told his cousin the King that he hoped Spain would kick the King in the @#$%*@!*&^% and send him into exile...Luis the clairvoyant!

Arturo Beéche

Yikes! And he looks so mild in the photo. Was that information in the book Svetabel recommended or is there another book on this branch of the family?
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Re: Alfonso de Orleans, Infante of Spain and Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
« Reply #33 on: March 22, 2005, 10:47:19 AM »

Yikes! And he looks so mild in the photo. Was that information in the book Svetabel recommended or is there another book on this branch of the family?

Actually I have not know such info on Luis as Arturo posted! "Secrets of the Gotha" contains only general information about Orlean-Bourbon family.

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Re: Alfonso de Orleans, Infante of Spain and Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
« Reply #34 on: March 22, 2005, 11:05:22 AM »
A lot of information is found in my dear friedn Ricardo Mateos Saínz de Medrano's marvelous book on the Infantes of Spain, titled Los Desconocidos Infantes de España ("Spain's Unknown Infantes"), which is now out of print, but it can be purchased from Eurohistory, since we have the last copies commercially available.

Arturo Beéche
Arturo Beéche, Publisher
European Royal History Journal
Kensington House Books
6300 Kensington Ave.
East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 USA


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Re: Alfonso de Orleans, Infante of Spain and Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
« Reply #35 on: April 03, 2005, 11:46:03 PM »
Are BabyBee's descendants in the Spanish line of succession? Where are they now? What are they doing?
Does anyone have wedding photos of BabyBee and Alfonso? I never had the chance to see what Infante Alfonso looked like/

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Re: Alfonso de Orleans, Infante of Spain and Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2005, 01:09:55 PM »
Infante Alfonso and  Princess Beatrice's sons were in the line of succession, but their grandchildren are not, never were, holders of succession rights to the Spanish throne.  It is highly debatable if they hold succession rights in France, as is the use of the title of "prince."

Arturo Beéche
Arturo Beéche, Publisher
European Royal History Journal
Kensington House Books
6300 Kensington Ave.
East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 USA

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Infante Alfonso and  Princess Beatrice's sons were in the line of succession, but their grandchildren are not, never were, holders of succession rights to the Spanish throne.  It is highly debatable if they hold succession rights in France, as is the use of the title of "prince."

Arturo Beéche


Why are they not entitled to use the title "Prince" or "Infanta"?

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The title of Infante/Infanta is reserved for the children of the monarch and the children of the Prince(ss) of Asturias.  Other Infantes can be created by the monarch...Queen Isabel II, for example, made all her Montpensier nephews and nieces Intantes(as).

King Juan Carlos has only given the title of Infante to his first cousin, Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.  The next Infante(a) will be the child of the Prince an Princess of Asturias.

Baby Bee's husband was an Infante Alfonso de Orleans was one because so willed it Queen Regent Maria Cristina...but his own children were only Princes.  Baby Bee and Alfonso had three sons: Alvaro, Alonso and Ataulfo.  Alvaro married morganatically the very wealthy Carla Parodi Delfino, Alonso died in action during the civil war and Ataulfo was gay.  Hence only Alvaro had descendants and since these were with a wife of unequal rank, then technically they were not royal children.

Arturo Beéche
Arturo Beéche, Publisher
European Royal History Journal
Kensington House Books
6300 Kensington Ave.
East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 USA

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The title of Infante/Infanta is reserved for the children of the monarch and the children of the Prince(ss) of Asturias.  Other Infantes can be created by the monarch...Queen Isabel II, for example, made all her Montpensier nephews and nieces Intantes(as).

King Juan Carlos has only given the title of Infante to his first cousin, Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.  The next Infante(a) will be the child of the Prince an Princess of Asturias.

Baby Bee's husband was an Infante Alfonso de Orleans was one because so willed it Queen Regent Maria Cristina...but his own children were only Princes.  Baby Bee and Alfonso had three sons: Alvaro, Alonso and Ataulfo.  Alvaro married morganatically the very wealthy Carla Parodi Delfino, Alonso died in action during the civil war and Ataulfo was gay.  Hence only Alvaro had descendants and since these were with a wife of unequal rank, then technically they were not royal children.

Arturo Beéche

Was not Beatrice's husband a Montpensier?  Is not that where the family money came from?

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Was not Beatrice's husband a Montpensier?  Is not that where the family money came from?


Alfonso de Orleans y Borbon was indeed a grandson of the late Duke de Montpensier, but that title reverted to the French royal family in 1890 upon the old Duke's death.  Since then it has been used twice among French royals.

Alfonso's money came from two inheritances, that from his grandfather Montpensier and from the legacy of the Duchess of Galliera, a wealthy Italian aristocrat who left the bulk of her landed estates and art work to the Spanish Montpensiers.

Arturo Beéche
Arturo Beéche, Publisher
European Royal History Journal
Kensington House Books
6300 Kensington Ave.
East Richmond Heights, CA 94805 USA

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In an interview from 1999, Infanta Beatriz, the eldest daughter of Alfonso XIII, shared several childhood memories. She also remembered her aunts, Infanta Eulalia as very charming and funny, and Beatrice of Edinburgh, as deeply religious.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 03:33:18 PM by trentk80 »
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Offline Svetabel

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She also remembered her aunts, Infanta Eulalia as very charming and funny, and Beatrice of Edinburgh, as deeply religious.

Baby Bee as deeply religious?? never heard that... ???

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Baby Bee as deeply religious?? never heard that... ???

Baby Bee was a woman a faith - she did eventually convert to Roman Catholicism.  She and her husband corresponded for many years with Sir Arnold Lunn - where their mutual Catholic faith was a frequent topic.  I recently aquired a set of copies of their correspondemce, which I read, and then sent on the letters to Bee and Alfonso's grandaughter for the family archives (as well as for use in a new bio on Baby Bee -- in Spanish.)
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Thanks for the info. Always wonder about why there is so little written about Baby Bee. Didn't she used to live in Esher in England for a while ?