Author Topic: Reincarnations of the Romanovs  (Read 109235 times)

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #225 on: September 10, 2011, 09:34:20 AM »
I'd have thought that, if the tragic end to their lives is as history states, then anyone would most likely repress all memories of the whole thing and probably the whole life totally, except maybe for a vague feeling. Who would want to remember that clearly?? It's interesting though.


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #226 on: September 20, 2011, 07:04:27 AM »
this is all interesting and whimsical but avoiding the sadder reality of their demise. If people want to have faith in something, can't they feel good enough within themselves?

aleksandr pavlovich

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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #227 on: September 20, 2011, 12:35:27 PM »
this is all interesting and whimsical but avoiding the sadder reality of their demise. If people want to have faith in something, can't they feel good enough within themselves?
 IMO, "polski," it is all self-deception, intentionally or otherwise: a psychological "crutch" to create, compensate and virtually live within a fantasy world to escape to realities of their present life/life-style.  
  Time and time again, this has been brought out in postings on other boards of the very SAME person/s that have espoused it so vehmently on this Forum. (IMO, the "Deviant Art" board appears to be a more "revealing" medium of VERBAL expression, even to the sometimes pathetic interplay of relations within their own, natural family that they wish to escape.)  
  A "twist" or variation on the theme is that of having "selected memories of past lives."  One proponent who has other sites of this genre, but apparently will not be appearing on THIS Forum again, even states that he has been "certified" to have the past memories of the Heir, Alexei N.  To "prove" this, he has given the name of the individual who "certified" him.  When that website was last read, the female "certifier" posts at the very end the standard waivers, such as her readings/impressions are not to be used in place of a physician, etc.  and that the information given out is for "entertainment purposes" only.
  Additionally, these people who "dabble" in their so-called past lives,  DO INDEED admit that it is a sham.  Example, a younger UK member who used to post here (under several names) and seems to be of the opinion she was/is potentially the Grandduchess Anastasia N, admitted (when challenged) on another Board, "Web Amici"/"I think I was Anastasia?" :  Jan. 8, 2010, "I change my mind...I don't think i or anyone else is her...or any of them for that matter....   (Then again, on Jan. 20, 2010):  " this is wrong u no?  claiming to be them when we al no tht were not."
  In time, these "impressionable", would-be Imperial and Royal personages, have been dropping out and maturing, or forming there own closed "splinter-groups," thus we see less and less of this hilarity on the Forum.  The FA has been wonderfully patient and even-handed, but does not permit a member now to steadfastly express/claim that they are a "recarnation" of such members of the Russian Imperial Family, and others, such as the Austro-Hungarian Empress Elisabeth/"Sisi,"etc. ( Humorously, I have waited in vain for someone with the "past life memories" of Diana, Princess of Wales! Simply too recent and could be easily checked-out.)   I think this has worked well.             Regards,  AP.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 12:50:16 PM by aleksandr pavlovich »


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #228 on: September 25, 2011, 04:07:31 AM »
thank you alex.


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #229 on: September 25, 2011, 01:49:50 PM »
I don't mind the subject of reincarnation too much. Somehow, it kindof makes sense to me. If Heaven is such a Paradise, surely there must be more than one life needed to get in. Or if someone does something horrible in Heaven, they get reincarnated. Or they can elect to be reincarnated. No one really knows. Personally, I wouldn't mind being one of the Grand Duchess. Seriously. But alas, I dont believe I am one of them. How ever much I study, lead, day dream, or play, I can't be them. Instead, I get to be Vaudelle. Beautiful name with a saddish story. She was my great aunt, and died in the 1970s, long before I was born. I believe she was reincarnated into my body, for motives I can only guess at. I currently guess she wanted to be close to my grandmother, her sister, who would die of cancer when I was around 3 years old. (I also believe people in Heaven can see the future, or at least glimpses of it.) Quite a few of my older relatives and even my father have noted the resemblance to her "uncanny". I haven't seen a photograph of her yet, but I can't wait to do so. :)

I also believe that my Grandmother is my guardian angel, reincarnated in the form of a cat. The story is, while my grandmother was dying in the hospital, I was set on her lap and asked her if she would be my guardian angel. She said yes. For the whole cat issue, I believe it is like a hierarchy of what you can be. Only the most virtuous of people can be domesticated cats, or other domesticated and sophisticated animals. Or it could be a spirit that has been following my family around for a long time. When my grandmother was a little girl, she had a dark grey cat that came to her one day, when she was working. When my father was a little boy, a dark grey cat had come to him, a stray from no where. When I was a little girl, I went to the pound to get a cat, because our other cat had died, and I was inconsolable. When I looked at one cage, there was light streaming down on it, and something compelled me to touch it. Inside was a cat, dark grey, and a stray. I believe my great grandfather had one too, but I can't remember who told me this... Anyways, here I am, over 5 years later, with my cat Buddy, who likes to lie down next to me when I sleep <3


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Re: Reincarnations of the Romanovs
« Reply #230 on: March 06, 2012, 12:22:38 PM »
I have always thought that if this was a real thing, Maria came back as Tanya Savicheva. The similarities in appearance are uncanny!

Also, both died in July, had tragic lives and had a father named Nicholas (and therefore were both Nikolaevnas).

Not sure I believe in such things, but it is interesting :D
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 12:24:20 PM by RomanovMartyrs »