This is an interesting little tome in several respects.
The author is a Miss Nellie Ryan, an Englishwoman attatched to the household of Archduke Karl Stefan a senior relative of the Emperor Franz Josef. Although she never tells us in what capacity she was so attatched, she did quite a bit of traveling with him & his family,including sojourns on the Imperial [Habsburg] yacht "Waturus".
A Royalty Digest reprint, it was published originally in 1915, by The Bodley Head. Keeping that in mind,Britain was at war with Austria,yet she has nothing but praise for the Habsburgs [for the most part]. A sort of gossip & travel book, her views seem a bit odd in retrosppect.
She is an ardent supporter of the claims of Caroline,Countess Landi being the youngest daughter of the Empress Elizabeth. She goes along with the story of Archduke Rudolf being murdered as opposed to suicide and practically worships the soon-to-be emperor Karl.
On the other hand, she has nothing but contempt for the Kaiser. Indeed, it would have taken a brave Englishman of any ilk to have anything but that at the time.
Her account of the Habsburg family visit to St. Petersburg is even more curious: Alexei's fragile state is due to an attack by "Nihilists" while aboard the yacht [Standardt,presumably], a suicide attempt by Alexandra and Nicholas' 'painfully nervous, and ill at ease, and his countenance of an ashen hue".
She tells of "6 men dressed exactly like the Czar" at all times and then goes on to say "now Nicholas takes a train journey like an ordinary man" [!!!] and "the Empress and her daughters wander freely forth" and "there is no danger for them in Russia today" [???].
Nellie Ryan seemed to have the vast and complicated Habsburg genealogy mastered and without my own charts at home in SF I did tend to get a bit confused trying to follow just who was related to whom and how. But,still entertaining for the time and most of the family is accounted for.
Unless I missed some brief mention however,there is nothing at all about any of the British royals.
A lovely way to pass the time by the fire in this lovely [yet uneventful] little village of Caddington where I am spending the .
Cheers and Happy Holidays, everyone,