Over the past couple of years this forum has had some wonderful discussion and a lot of information provided about the "secret" marriage of Archduke Ernst (1824-1899) and Laura Skublics de Velike et Besenyö. With the excpetion of the descent from their daughter Clotilde, pretty much everything that is known about this family is a result of my research (and subsequent repeating of the material on various websites).
This story has so fascinated me, I have decided to devote an entire book to it. The primary focus of the book will be the lives of the Ernst and Laura, their children and grandchildren. Of course there will be an indepth look at the court case which came about after Ernst's death regarding acknowledgment of his surviving children as heirs. I will be including a detailed genealogy of all the descednants as well.
I have no idea when this book will be published as I am still heavily in the research phase, but I am setting aside several projects and devoting most of my time to this one. I would love to be able to have it out in two years time, but I'll have to see if that is feasible or not.
Dan Willis
P.S. My most recent book, "The Romanovs in the 21st Century" is now available via Amazon.de (or for a discounted price for a limited at my website: