Ahh I wondered what had happened to you, "Pezzaz", in my month of absence:p(fell out of internet)
Also, I intend to start 'Crime At Mayerling' at last(it's on the bookshelf for ages). Curious to read it.
On another note, I was reading 'Romanov Autumn' and just finished the chapter on Princess Elena, who was the only Romanov captive to survive exile in the urals - she left her husband Prince Ionn, who wanted them to go to their children and see them to safety. She tried to contact the Imperial Family by going to the Ipatiev House, but was of course denied. After captivity in Ekaterinburg, Moscow and a close call to execution she was released and almost recaptured at the border. Eventually she was reunited with her children and found out what happened to her relatives in The Urals. -, in this chapter a 'MMe. Baltazzi', lady-in-waiting to Queen Olga of Greece, is mentioned and now I wonder if this woman might have been related to Helene and, by any chance, might have been around at the time of Mayerling.
Also, in the last month, I got inspirated. So, to commemorate the annivery I posted a new video. The footage is from 'Kronprinz Rudolfs Letzte Liebe', one of the better movies on Mayerling - we see the funeral and the ghastly procession and burial of Mary, all this in a political game of intrigues, a love denied, and a father unwilling to know his son -, though the best remains "A trónörökös" which has actors really resembling the characters(I get dizzy looking at it, Rudolf has the beard and the moustache... So looks like him, and so goes for Mary and the rest of the people portrayed), and the story there has a 'docudrama'-quality to it. Anyhow, the song used is the theme of the musical 'Rudolf'(Once again), a reworked version of 'Du Bist Meine Welt in an unplugged setting(mostly piano and violin)... The song is simply touching(on stage it got me really teared up), and what they sing actually works for the characters.