Author Topic: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II  (Read 241517 times)

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Offline Svetabel

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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #105 on: December 22, 2010, 11:17:54 PM »
I thought Mary Vestera was blond...

Blond was Catherine Deneuve who played Mary in 'Mayerling'. But Mary was a brunette.

Offline Yelena Aleksandrovna

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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #106 on: December 23, 2010, 02:18:31 PM »
I thought Mary Vestera was blond...

There are several portraits of her that aren't accurate showing her blonde or even redhaired, in her photos she looks brunette as Svetabel said in the post below.


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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #107 on: December 23, 2010, 03:47:36 PM »
Mary was a Brunette, however as a child she had a lighter colour of hair - It's said to be blonde, or some kind of light brown... So that's with the misunderstanding(and all those actresses, 2 I know of, with the wrong hair colour don't help:p)

Offline Yelena Aleksandrovna

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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #108 on: January 04, 2011, 01:03:13 PM »
The young Crown Prince and his mother the Empress Sissi


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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #109 on: January 08, 2011, 03:15:11 PM »

I tried to find the originals for this beautiful painting, but I'm not sure which one was used for Rudolph?

Offline Yelena Aleksandrovna

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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #110 on: January 10, 2011, 01:29:24 PM »
The Crown Prince and Stephanie

The wedding

Offline Yelena Aleksandrovna

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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #111 on: January 11, 2011, 12:57:45 PM »
Mary Vetsera looks much better in her painting than in the original photo
Don't remember this pose before....


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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #112 on: January 24, 2011, 02:38:21 PM »
Well, we all know Mary was not the greatest beauty.


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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #113 on: January 31, 2011, 02:20:21 AM »
Hola, no hablo mucho ingles, pero quisiera dejar de nuevo un mensaje recordando como siempre el aniversario luctuoso del Príncipe rRodolfo de Hasburgo, hoy 30 de enero de 2011, en su 122 aniversario de fallecido en mayerling, descanse en paz.

Quiero agregar que he seguido con las investigaciones de mi bisabuelo Ramón, quien llegó a Baja California Sur, México Abril-Julio de 1881. en barco en el que llegó vía Europa-Australia-América.

Ojalá y a alguien le interese la Historia, tengo mucha más información, de lo que si estoy seguro ese que era hija del príncipe Rodolfo de Hasburgo, con María Antonia o Johanna Buska.

Saludos a todos. Sinceramente, Oscar de Anda.

Offline Svetabel

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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #114 on: January 31, 2011, 05:42:44 AM »
Hola, no hablo mucho ingles, pero quisiera dejar de nuevo un mensaje recordando como siempre el aniversario luctuoso del Príncipe rRodolfo de Hasburgo, hoy 30 de enero de 2011, en su 122 aniversario de fallecido en mayerling, descanse en paz.

Quiero agregar que he seguido con las investigaciones de mi bisabuelo Ramón, quien llegó a Baja California Sur, México Abril-Julio de 1881. en barco en el que llegó vía Europa-Australia-América.

Ojalá y a alguien le interese la Historia, tengo mucha más información, de lo que si estoy seguro ese que era hija del príncipe Rodolfo de Hasburgo, con María Antonia o Johanna Buska.

Saludos a todos. Sinceramente, Oscar de Anda.

That's fine. Could you please speak with us in English? It's an English-speaking Fourm.

Offline Carolath Habsburg

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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #115 on: January 31, 2011, 12:48:35 PM »
he s saying that his grandfather is descendant of Crownprince Rudolph

Oscar, este es un foro netamente hablado en ingles y en la misma seccion de los Habsburg hay un tema para Rudolf. Por favor, no desvirtues este y haz tus post en ingles.. Gracias.

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Offline Yelena Aleksandrovna

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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #116 on: January 31, 2011, 02:28:29 PM »
I only would like to know why was this person was moved here, to Mexico? I don't think that would be an appropiate place for a Habsburg living (mainly after the execution of Emperor Maximilian). Anyways, back to Stephanie.


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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #117 on: January 31, 2011, 09:08:01 PM »
Quote from: oscarov
Hi, I would leave another message and always remembering death anniversary rRodolfo Prince of Hapsburg, today January 30, 2011, at its 122nd anniversary at Mayerling deceased rest in peace.

I would add that I have continued to research my great-grandfather Ramon, who arrived in Baja California Sur, Mexico from April to July 1881. by boat via Europe-Australia-America.

Hopefully someone already interested in history, I have much more information than if I'm sure that she was the daughter of Prince Rudolf of Habsburg, or Johanna Maria Antonia Buska.

Greetings to everyone. Sincerely, Oscar de Anda

Oscarov put this in several threads and Svetabel left it here so it must be at least partly on topic.   Crown Princess Stephanie once said she lost track of the number of people claiming to be an illegitimate offspring of Rudolph when they numbered about 30.  It has always confused me how people could make such claims but then become fuzzy or reserved when it came to supplying any facts.  Hutzpah!

Here's another one -- who claimed to be Rudolph and who of course fathered another child.  This child happened to be an uncle-in-law of the famous mathematician John Nash of "A Beautiful Mind".

However a side by side comparison of the man who claimed to be Rudolph with the real Crown Prince puts to rest this theory.   I'm not the expert on faces that  Katenka and some others here are, but I can measure and add and they don't add up to being the same person.  The distance between the eyes and the top of the head are different.  Also Rudolph had a straight brow, not curved, and the sides of Rudolph's head were not as rounded -- Crown Prince Rudolph had more of an oblong head shape whereas that of Justo Armas was very round.  These are the sort of things that don't change with time.


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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #118 on: February 01, 2011, 06:02:36 AM »
Ahh I wondered what had happened to you, "Pezzaz", in my month of absence:p(fell out of internet)

Also, I intend to start 'Crime At Mayerling' at last(it's on the bookshelf for ages). Curious to read it.

On another note, I was reading 'Romanov Autumn' and just finished the chapter on Princess Elena, who was the only Romanov captive to survive exile in the urals - she left her husband Prince Ionn, who wanted them to go to their children and see them to safety. She tried to contact the Imperial Family by going to the Ipatiev House, but was of course denied. After captivity in Ekaterinburg, Moscow and a close call to execution she was released and almost recaptured at the border. Eventually she was reunited with her children and found out what happened to her relatives in The Urals. -, in this chapter a 'MMe. Baltazzi', lady-in-waiting to Queen Olga of Greece,  is mentioned and now I wonder if this woman might have been related to Helene and, by any chance, might have been around at the time of Mayerling.

Also, in the last month, I got inspirated. So, to commemorate the annivery I posted a new video. The footage is from 'Kronprinz Rudolfs Letzte Liebe', one of the better movies on Mayerling - we see the funeral and the ghastly procession and burial of Mary, all this in a political game of intrigues, a love denied, and a father unwilling to know his son -, though the best remains "A trónörökös" which has actors really resembling the characters(I get dizzy looking at it, Rudolf has the beard and the moustache... So looks like him, and so goes for Mary and the rest of the people portrayed), and the story there has a 'docudrama'-quality to it. Anyhow, the song used is the theme of the musical 'Rudolf'(Once again), a reworked version of 'Du Bist Meine Welt in an unplugged setting(mostly piano and violin)... The song is simply touching(on stage it got me really teared up), and what they sing actually works for the characters.



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Re: Crown Prince Rudolph--controversies, affairs & his death, Part II
« Reply #119 on: February 01, 2011, 10:04:22 AM »

Buenos diás en México, es una comparación de fotos de mi abuelo y bisabuelo. Me gustaría recibir sus comentarios. saludos.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 10:10:13 AM by oscarov »