Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Balkan Royal Families

Queen Maria of Romania, Part 3

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Do you mean her German governess ?

I've read about this, but don't have the book at hand, and so if anyone can fill in the missing details....

There was a certain man that Marie wrote about, who was an advisor to her mother along the lines of a Sir John Conroy to Queen Victoria's mother.  This man married the Fraulein, who was (I think) a governess to Marie and her siblings.  This couple treated the children wonderfully in front of her mother, horribly when they were out of her sight.  The man saved his "best" for Marie's brother Alfred (who would die in 1899 after a botched suicide attempt).

It was only after the children involved their father, that the pair of reprehensibles were ousted from the household (after a long, bitter fight with Marie Alexandrovna).


--- Quote from: Marc on October 24, 2010, 10:18:36 AM ---Can anyone tell me who is the "Fräulein" Marie mentions in her biography who was living with them in Coburg and became very close to her mother?

--- End quote ---

"Fräulein" was Esperanza von Truchsess von Weltzhausen, from impoverished junker family of a Prussian origin. She became a governess in 1887, and in 1889 married Alfred-junior's tutor, Dr.Rolfs. In 1893 both Rolfs and Esperanza left the Coburg court thanks to efforts of Duke Alfred. Actually it was Rolfs who was dismissed, his wife just followed him.

Thank you for that...I started reading her memoirs and so far she mentions her only as "Fräulein"...at least that's how it's translated into my language!

She might have been a cousin of Bertha,Countess von Orttenburg,nee Truchsess von Wetzhausen,wife of morganatic scion of Ortenburg family that obtained the title of Count in 1830...

Why was Dr. Rolfs dismissed and where did he go afterwards with his wife ?  :o


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