Princess Helen attending a ceremony in memory of King Ferdinand of Romania :

I have the article in the weekly newspaper " L'Illustration " published July 26, 1930. It reports that : " On 21 July was celebrated in Romania, Curtea of Argesh, a Requiem to the memory of King Ferdinand. The whole royal family was present, and Mr. Maniu and members of government, that the patriarch Miron Cristea received at the entrance to the monastery where the late King was buried (.)
This ceremony is presented for the entire country of particular interest, because it brought together in public, king Charles and the one that the Romanian loyalty already called " Queen Helena ", although the cancellation of her divorce has not yet been officially declared (.)
Photography here provides a useful comment. Our engravings show that the couple, at least when they found themselves close seemed to give all the trappings of a reconciliation. "
In fact, we now know that, for various reasons, that reconciliation never took place. However, this rumor of a possible rapprochement between the two long separated spouses feed the tabloids of the time who spoke still regularly until the mid-30.