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Signs of war in the Pre WW1 period

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Briilliant resource Sergei.  Actually it was the Austro Hungarians who were trying to expand into the Balkans.  The Russians were too after their defeat in the Russo Japanese war and this was causing some friction between Austro Hungary and Russia and Turkey and Russia.  The Germans were actually having problems developing an empire as they had started too late.  I am sure the Germans saw the prospect of a war as an opportunity to build on the small empire that they had developed.


--- Quote from: Constantinople on November 13, 2010, 11:50:53 AM ---Actually it was the Austro Hungarians who were trying to expand into the Balkans. 
--- End quote ---

But there was also the "Berlin to Baghdad Railroad" efforts of the German government, which also involved extending German influence into the Balkans and then on to Turkey (the Germans took a page out of Cecil Rhodes' book). Of course, the proximity of the Balkans to the Austro-Hungarians made their interest of expanding into the Balkans a natural (displeasing the pan-slavicists).

the berlin to baghdad railway wasnt exactly empire building except in the purely economic sense.  Germany was not trying to turn the ottoman Empire into a colony, mpre liike a client state.  As for the Balkans, it respected its ally's territorial sphere of influence.

Sergei Witte:
The Balkans seem to be number one reason for the European tensions. As 3 of the biggest nations wanted to grow their influence in the Balkan States. (Russia, Austria and Germany)

Also the increasing agressive politics of England against Germany to protect their Empire were a reason for increasing tensions. They worked actively - but also secretly - on making alliances with France and Russia. This all increased the antagonism between nations.

Prior to the Baghdad to Berlin railway, the main problem that Britain had with its Indian colonies was Russia moving down and gaining influence in Afghanistan and Persia. 

By the way, there are two stations in Istanbul (Serkici - which was the terminus for the Orient Express) and one near Kadikoy which were gifts of the Germans for allowing the Turkish stretch of the Berlin to Baghdad railway.


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