The point is, every medal has two sides and every event will be interpreted in two ways.
Believe it or not, BOTH are correct, but history has tendency to always blame one side.
Why do I say that both points of view are correct - imagine the next situation : one blind person says that he/she does not see anything while another who is able to say that he can see the sky. Both are correct, both see their realities trough their eyes and make conclusions through their experiences.
This is the similar thing - both sides have different and independent views at one person, Gavrilo Princip in this case.
2. Serbs, and people who are glad to accept their narrative, can use the coincidence to make the visit of Franz Ferdinand to Sarajevo look like a "provocation". This way they can shift the blame to Austrian authorities and create a smoke-screen around what happened on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo: a dirty, treacherous double murder in cold blood.
I don't believe in coincidences, as the saying goes -
It is too coincidental to be a coincidence. In those people's POV, that visit indeed was provocation, believe it or not. Like it was not in your POV. But again, this is just my POV - maybe he would have been murder on any other day and maybe he would have never got murdered. Who knows?
Also I hardly believe in objective history, we are human beings and we are prone to make judgments. I do not approve any murder and
never will, nor Franz Ferdinand's and his wife Sophie's murder - their children left orphaned, nor King Alexander and Queen Draga's in 1903 but when speaking about victims, let's please try to be 'objective' as history will never be, let's remember all the victims from
both sides that died in those terrible wars; In WW1, Serbia lost over 450,000 (yes, many children left orphaned) which is too much for its territory.
When speaking about murdering in recently-annexed Macedonia in 1913/4, we should remember that there had occurred murders in centuries before during Ottomans and Muslims were not the only victims. When speaking about NATO bombing, cca. 2500 people lost their lives, mostly innocent victims, and year was 1999.
Why I am telling this - to try to get this conversation on higher level, to observe both sides and both points of views.
Honestly, I don't know how intelligent was declaring and starting war back in 1914, and losing all those lives in vain. I also believe that we should learn from the history, since
Historia magistra vitae est. I just want to change bad image about the whole nation created by some individuals. If any individual does something, it must not say anything global about the nation.
Best regards!